Norland State Types: Vassal Kingdoms and Free Cities - Magic Game World

Norland State Types: Vassal Kingdoms and Free Cities

Norland State Types: Vassal Kingdoms and Free Cities


In Norland, there are two main types of states – vassal kingdoms and alliances of free cities. In both cases, there is a head of state and dependent provinces that trade independence for protection.



Vassal Kingdoms

  • The royal province is marked with a crown on the world map.


  • United by the force of the king. This aggressive action is not very favored by the Matriarch.


Norland State Types: Vassal Kingdoms and Free Cities


  • Vassals pay tribute in gold and lose the right to a foreign policy. The suzerain is obliged to protect the vassals.


  • These kingdoms can expand rapidly by directly conquering their neighbors.



Alliances of Free Cities

  • The head of the alliance is marked with wings on the world map.


  • They expand quite simply – it requires having good relations with the head of the alliance.


  • All allied cities are obliged to send an army to defend other members of the alliance but are also deprived of the right to conduct their own policy.


  • The head of the alliance is limited in their foreign policy – they have the right to coerce neighboring cities into neutrality but cannot absorb anyone by force.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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