Norland - Warrior Mood: Factors and Tips for Improvement - Magic Game World

Norland – Warrior Mood: Factors and Tips for Improvement

Norland - Warrior Mood: Factors and Tips for Improvement

Hired warriors may desert and leave the village if they are in a bad mood (below 25). Warriors in a good mood (above 80) have increased bravery in battle as well as a greater chance of becoming loyalists.



Tips for improving mood:

  • Let freshly recruited warriors grow accustomed to the realities of combat before sending them into battle. A new warrior’s fear of death will gradually wear off as they undergo combat training.


  • Choose lords with a high Command skill to lead your squads.


  • Do not exhaust the warriors with excessive training and patrols before battle.


  • Pay your army sufficient wages to afford higher-quality products such as Meat and Ale.


  • Allocate a separate Temple for the warriors and preach faith in it. This will turn them into fanatics who relish pain. However, this is a dangerous path if you have poor relations with the bishop, as they will be on his side in the event of a religious uprising.


  • Initiate terror against the culture your warriors hate or pursue policies aligned with their cultural values.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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