Norland - Wound Treatment Essentials - Magic Game World

Norland – Wound Treatment Essentials

Norland - Wound Treatment Essentials

Wound Treatment

Sometimes wounds are merely bruises and minor cuts, but deep wounds can be dangerous as they can fester within a couple of days, causing gangrene.


Gangrene is incurable and fatal, so a character who reaches this stage will soon die. To prevent this, wounds must be treated with Medical Salve before they reach that point. Wounded characters do this on their own, and no direct action on your part is necessary.


Medical Salve is stored in a warehouse, and injured lords and warriors will retrieve it themselves when they need it.


It is very important that you always have a few bottles of Medical Salve!


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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