Once Human PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Once Human PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Once Human PC Keyboard Controls Guide

One of the hottest team effort survival games on Steam right now, Once Human has already amassed over 100k players as an indie title. That’s undeniably impressive!


In this quick & easy guide, we’ve compiled all the default keyboard controls & keybindings in one place for easy reference. Need a quick refresher? Just check it out! We also have a video showcasing all the PC settings. Check it out too for more deets!



All PC Settings



Movement & Actions

  • Forward: W


  • Back: S


  • Left: A


  • Right: D


  • Sprint: Shift


  • Crouch: C


  • Jump: Space


  • Walk: F11


  • Keep Sprinting: Plus (+)


  • Vault/Climb: Space


  • Track Task: Y


  • Melee Attack: V


  • Roll: Ctrl


  • Spacetime: Q


  • Camp: T


  • Gliding: Space


  • Manage Eternaland: F7


  • Logistics: F8


  • Melee Heavy Attack: Mouse Right Button




  • Summon Motorcycle: G


  • Interact with Target: F




  • Launch PvP: P


  • Chat: F3


  • Item Backpack: I


  • Events: F1


  • World Map: M



Team and Tasks

  • Gear Backpack: K


  • Team: U


  • Tasks: L


  • Scoreboard: Tab


  • Build: B


  • System Menu: Esc


  • Quick Pin: Middle Mouse Button


  • Cradle: O




  • Flashlight: N


  • Journey: J


  • Using the Roulette Wheel: Tab




  • Send Messages: Enter


  • Voice Chat: F5




  • Item 1: 4


  • Item 2: 5


  • Item 3: 6


  • Item 4: 7


  • Item 5: 8


  • Item 6: 9


  • Item 7: 0


  • Item 8: Minus (-)




  • Float: Space


  • Dive: C




  • Skip Cutscene: Esc




  • Climb Up: W


  • Climb Down: S


  • Jump Off: Space


  • Slide Down: Shift




  • Change Bait: R


  • Release: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim: Right Mouse Button


  • Exit: Esc


  • Cast: Left Mouse Button


  • Reel: Left Mouse Button


  • Collect: F


  • Retract Fishing Rod: Esc


  • Cast a Fishing Rod: Left Mouse Button


  • Reorientation: While Holding Left Mouse Button Mouse movement


  • Cancel Targeting: Right Mouse Button




  • Fire: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim: Right Mouse Button


  • Reload: R


  • Switch to OTS: Right Mouse Button


  • Weapon 1: 1


  • Weapon 2: 2


  • Weapon 3: 3


  • Quick Switch Weapon: Mouse Whell Scroll Up/Down


  • Holster Weapon: H


  • Switch Camera: Caps Lock


  • Switch to OTS (For Controller): –


  • Deviation Control: E


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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