OUTLAWED PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

OUTLAWED PC Keyboard Controls Guide


So you wanna be a smooth criminal in OUTLAWED? Better ditch the clumsy fingers and learn these keyboard controls, or your grand heist will turn into a grand oops.



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MOVE FORWARD: (Hold to move forward.) – W


MOVE BACKWARD: (Hold to move backward.) – S


MOVE LEFT: (Hold to move left.) – A


MOVE RIGHT: (Hold to move right.) – D


INTERACT: (Press to interact with your surroundings when appropriate.) – F


SPRINT/TACTICAL SPRINT/FOCUS: (Press to sprint. Press twice quickly to Tactical Sprint. While Aiming Down Sight, hold to Focus.) – Shift


PREVIOUS WEAPON: (Press to equip previous weapon.) – 1


NEXT WEAPON: (Press to equip next weapon.) – 2


TACTICAL ITEM: (Press to use the Tactical Equipment in your loadout.) – Q


LETHAL ITEM: (Press to use the Lethal Equipment in your loadout.) – E


BATTLEFIELD ITEM: (Press to use the Battlefield Item in your loadout.) – 3


ARMOR PLATE: (Press to use armor plates.) – G


FIRE WEAPON: (Press to fire a weapon.) – LMB


AIM DOWN SIGHT: (Aiming Down Sights increases fire accuracy.) – RMB


RELOAD: (Press to manually reload ammo in your weapon.) – R


BACKPACK: (Press to open the inventory.) – Tab


SHOW MAP: (Press to display the map.) – M


PING: (Press to mark a location.) – MMB


PING WHEEL: (Hold to open the ping wheel and release to hide.) – Alt




JUMP/STAND/MANTLE: (Press to jump, stand up, and climb over the wall.) – Space


PRONE: (Press to go prone.) – Ctrl


CROUCH/CUT PARACHUTE: (Press to crouch. Press to disconnect yourself from your parachute.) – C


MELEE: (Press for a melee attack.) – V


ASSIST ITEM: (Press to use the Assist Item in your loadout.) – X




DRIFT/HANDBRAKE: (Press to drift or use handbrake in specific ground vehicles.) – Ctrl


NEXT SEAT: (Press to switch to the vehicle’s next seat.) – X


CLIMB ON ROOF: (Press to climb on the roof of ground vehicles.) – Space


LEAN OUT / LEAN IN: (Press to lean out or in of a ground vehicle window.) – V


HORN: (Press to use the horn in specific ground vehicles.) – C




NEXT SEAT: (Press to switch to the vehicle’s next seat.) – X


ASCEND: (Hold to fly an air vehicle up.) – Space


DESCEND: (Hold to fly an air vehicle down.) – Ctrl


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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