Outlaws of the Old West - Dedicated Server Configuration - Magic Game World

Outlaws of the Old West – Dedicated Server Configuration

Outlaws of the Old West - Dedicated Server Configuration

In order to run a dedicated server you will need to download SteamCMD from here: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd.zip 


Paste this into a .txt file (name it OutlawsUpdate for easy reference) and save it wherever you have the steamcmd.exe saved:


// Update Outlaws
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 //set to 0 if updating multiple servers at once
@NoPromptForPassword 1
login anonymous
//for servers which don’t need a login
//login anonymous
force_install_dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Outlaws of the Old West\WindowsServer\
app_update 915070 validate


Make a shortcut to steamcmd


Under properties for it, add this line to the target:

+runscript OutlawsUpdate.txt


Under compatibility tick the box for run as admin


Then double click your shortcut


Next, open your Outlaws installation location, usually found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Outlaws of the Old West\WindowsServer


Open a new text document, then copy this:


Start “”/NORMAL “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Outlaws of the Old West\WindowsServer\OutlawsServer.exe” /Game/Maps/MainMap/MainMap -log -port=27374 -queryport=27015 -servername=”OutlawsServer” -PlayerCount=150 -Type=PVP -ServerPassword=”test” -AdminPassword=”testtest”


Save the file in your WindowsServer folder as StartOutlaws.bat, then you are ready to launch your server.




Port: Is the game port, must be unique to each instance on the same machine and public facing


QueryPort: this is the steam query port and must also be unique to each instance on the same machine and public


ServerName: Is the public server name


PlayerCount: This is the server max concurrent player count



Type: The game types: PVP, PVE, RP

ServerPassword: This is the password for password protected servers. Leaving this blank will leave the server open to join with no password


There are two.txt files that are gnerated in the saved folder, AdminList.txt and BanList.txt.


The admin list is the next line separated steamids for GMs. The Ban List is also next line seperated SteamIDs that will deny connections.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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March 14, 2019 16:40

Does Outlaws of the old west have a Linux build with stream cmd?

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