Outward – Eating for Burnt Stat Recovery
/When you use stamina, your max stamina is reduced, which the game refers to as “burnt” stamina. The same applies to max health when you take damage. Both are restored naturally by sleeping. Mana works in the opposite way, increasing the max when you use it and being burnt when you sleep. These foods can be used as an alternate means to restore burnt stats, especially for heavy users of Mana which have difficulty keeping all stats at max due to Mana working in reverse.
Burnt stat recipes:
Pungent Paste – Any Egg + Any Fish + Ochre Spice Beetle
– Cures Infection and restores 20 Burnt Health & Stamina (plus 125 food value)
– Arguably the best use for both eggs and Ochre Spice Beetles (and fish if you don’t have Mana, for that matter), it is a good idea to keep one of these on you for the Infection cure alone. It is also a boon to mages trying to stay awake to keep their mana high (you even gain a mana regeneration buff from lack of sleep!), but even non-mages can find it helpful to go just a bit longer without needing to stop to sleep.
Soothing Tea – Water + Seaweed
– Cures a Cold (eventually) plus restores some Burnt Mana
Mineral Tea – Water + Gravel Beetle
-Cures Indigestion (eventually), restores 15 Burnt Health and grants Impact Resistance Up
– Sounds good and all, but I actually think this is a waste of a Gravel Beetle, which is used to make Life Potions with alchemy. Plus, if you are cooking properly and boiling un-clean water, you’ll never need to cure indigestion. Impact Resistance Up gives +25% for 240 seconds.
Dry Mushroom Bar (5 servings) – 4x Common Mushroom (raw)
– Restores 5 Burnt Health (plus 100 food value)
– Although it is nice you get 5 servings, and Common Mushrooms are, well, common, they are also used in alchemy for Poison Antidote and to make Miner’s Omelette. In general, all mushroom types should be saved for alchemy recipes, primarily in my opinion, but if you have a bunch to spare or are deep in a cave and low on max health, here’s an option for you.