Outward – Eating for Health Recovery
/Eating for Health Recovery
You gain health from protein sources like meat, fish, and eggs. Even the most basic food with health recovery heals significantly more than Bandages do, though not necessarily as fast.
Possible healing effects:
Bandages: 0.50 health/second for 40 seconds (20 total health)
Health Recovery 1: 0.20 health/second for 600 seconds (120 total health)
Health Recovery 2: 0.25 health/second for 600 seconds (150 total health)
Health Recovery 3: 0.30 health/second for 600 seconds (180 total health)
Health Recovery 4: 0.40 health/second for 600 seconds (240 total health)
Health Recovery 5: 0.50 health/second for 600 seconds (300 total health)
Healing recipes:
Cooked Meat – Any Meat
– Grants 150 food value and Health Recovery 2
– Raw Meat can be gained from killing animals like Pearlbirds and Hyenas. Just cooking it directly is an okay option when you are out exploring and need to heal with no cooking pot or other ingredients. Just find a random tree, get some wood, make a camp fire, and grill up that meat. A good idea to do anyway since any recipe that requires meat doesn’t care if it is raw or already cooked, and the cooked version lasts longer and can be eaten safely.
Meat Stew (3 servings) – Any Meat + Any Fruit/Vegetable + Salt
– Grants 275 food value and Health Recovery 3
– A very efficient healing food. If you just ate the (cooked) meat, you would get one dose of Health Recovery 2, but by combining it with a common Gaberry and Salt (which just requires boiling some sea water from your water skin), you get 3 doses of Health Recovery 3. That’s a total of 540 health compared to just 150 for the meat without the berry and salt!
Jerky (5 servings) – Any Meat x2 + Salt x2
– Grants 100 food value and Health Recovery 2
– Next best option for Raw Meat after Meat Stew. Salt is free and this way you get 5 portions instead of 2. As a bonus, Jerky also lasts a really long time.