You can force the game to make all the commands available. This can easily be done by just creating a simple (empty) text file inside the ” OxygenNotIncluded_Data“-folder, which is located at the root of the game folder. The text file needs to be named:
Note: The “.txt” is the extension! The filename should be “debug_enable.”
This allows you to use Debug-commands (A restart of the game is necessary). This is very useful for screen-shot purposes as you can disable all hud by pressing ALT + F1 in-game or unlock the camera so you can zoom further out. The Control-submenu is full of the commands, but please note that SOME of these commands will crash the game or just not work.
Start after adding debug_enable.txt file, then press backspace to open the debug options.
Important Cheats
- Instant Build Mode  CTRL + F4
- Invincible / God Mode  ALT + F7
- Discover All Elements   CTRL + F9
All Cheats
- DebugToggle   Backspace
- ToggleProfiler   Backquote/Tilde
- DebugVisualTest   SHIFT + F1
- DebugGameplayTest   SHIFT + F2
- DebugElementTest   SHIFT + F3
- DebugRiverTest   SHIFT + F4
- DebugTileTest   SHIFT + F5
- DebugSelectMalerlia! Â Â CTRL + 5
- DebugToggleMusic   CTRL + M
- DebugUltraTestMode   CTRL + U
- DebugSpawnMinion   CTRL + F2
- DebugInstantBuildMode   CTRL + F4
- DebugShowTestMode   CTRL + F5
- DebugExplosion   CTRL + F8
- DebugDiscoverAllElements   CTRL + F9
- DebugTriggerException   CTRL + F12
- DebugRefreshNavDell   ALT + N
- DebugTeleport   ALT + O
- DebugGotoTarget   ALT + O
- DebugToggleSelectInEditor   ALT + T
- DebugPathFinding   ALT + P
- DebugReloadMods   ALT + M
- DebugReloadLevel   ALT + L
- DebugSuperSpeed   ALT + Z
- DebugNotification   ALT + X
- DebugNotificationMessage   ALT + C
- DebugToggleUI Â Â ALT + F1
- DebugCollectGarbage   ALT + F3
- DebugInvincible   ALT + F7
- DebugApplyHighAudioReverb   ALT + F8
- DebugApplyLowAudioReverb   ALT + F9
- DebugForceLightEverywhere   ALT + F10
- DebugCellInfo   ALT + F11
He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.
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