Panzer Corps 2 – Split and Merge
Occasionally you will find yourself in a situation where two smaller units would be more useful than one larger one, particularly if you want to encircle an enemy force, perform a mass attack or block an enemy’s potential retreat path. In Panzer Corps 2, you can do this by using the Split Unit command. Splitting a unit will divide a unit into two equal parts, each with half the strength of a full unit (so a 10-strength tank divides into two 5-strength tanks, which will now have a maximum strength of 5 each). This has no cost in prestige but takes up one additional core slot for as long as the units are split. Each smaller unit acts as an independent unit, with its own move and attack action each turn.
To split a unit, select a full-sized unit and then press the ‘Split’ button, above the unit info panel in the bottom left corner of the screen, and then click on another hex into which you wish for the other half of the unit to move (which may be somewhere requiring a transport to access).
That other half will then break off and move into the chosen hex, using up its move action for that turn, however it may still attack any enemy within range if you wish. When a unit is split, all heroes attached to the unit will remain with the half that stayed in the original hex. Both halves keep a copy of any awards that the unit has won.
A half unit can identify its other half whenever it is selected, which will be marked on the map by a yellow highlight underneath the unit’s companion. A split unit can only merge back with this other half, and to do so they must be within movement range of each other. To merge the two units back together, select one and then click on the other unit. Both halves will combine in the hex of the non-selected unit.
Note: A unit cannot be split and then be merged back in the same turn. If one half of a split unit is destroyed, the extra core slot used by the split will be returned, and the surviving half will consider itself a full unit once more (so if a 10-strength tank unit was split in two and one was destroyed while the other was undamaged, the survivor would continue as a tank with 5/10 strength).
A split unit may never be upgraded until it has been merged back with the other half of the unit, and at the end of the battle, any split units will be merged back, starting the next mission as a single unit.