Panzer Corps Cheats - Magic Game World

Panzer Corps Cheats

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Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C to enter a cheat code. Here is a list of supported codes (#N means an integer number).




Adds #N to air transports num (can be negative) – air #N


Adds #N to aux slots (can be negative) – aux #N


Adds #N to core slots (can be negative) – core #N


Adds #N to prestige (can be negative) – prestige #N


Adds #N to rail transports num (can be negative) – rail #N


Adds #N to scenario turn count. Can be negative. – turns #N


Adds #N to sea transports num (can be negative) – sea #N


All killed units move to reserve with zero strength and can be reformed before the next scen – reform units


All units move at speed 50. Entering the code again disables this mode. – turbo units


Allows buying any future equipment. Entering the code again disables this mode. – all eqp


Any attack by our units forces the enemy to retreat. Entering the code again disables this mode. – force retreat


Disables ZOC for our units. Entering the code again disables this mode. – no zoc


Ends current scenario with outcome #N (in campaigns 0=decisive victory, 1=marginal victory, 2=loss). – endscn #N


Every attack of our units completely kills the opponent. Entering the code again disables this mode. Bye bye save/reload. – uber units


Makes all combats play exactly as they were predicted (unless rugged defense happens) – chess


Sets ammo of the selected unit to #N – ammo #N


Sets current weather (0=clear, 1=overcase, 2=raining, 3=snowing) – weather #N


Sets entrenchment of the selected unit to #N – ent #N


Sets experience of the selected unit to #N – exp #N


Sets fuel of the selected unit to #N – fuel #N


Sets ground state (0=dry, 1=muddy, 2=frozen) – ground #N


Sets the strength of the selected unit to #N – str #N


Shows the enemy’s units on the map (the opponent will not see our units until he enters this code on his turn).


Entering the code again disables this mod. – fog of war


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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