Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Dwarven Smith Paraphanalia & Trailblazer’s Helmet – Artifact Locations & Bonuses
Articles, Pathfinder: Kingmaker /
05 Oct 2018
Dwarven Smith Paraphanalia & Trailblazer’s Helmet
Trailblazer’s Helmet:
DR 2/- for Ranged Attacks, DR 10/- for Falling or Thrown Rocks, cast “Good Hope” and “Crushing Despair” 1/day. Against Giants & Goblinoid subtypes gain +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class & +3 Insight bonus to saves.
Fragment description:Â Dwarven Helm Shard
Number of fragments: 10
Fragment locations:
- Lone House (chest in northeastern corner)
- Ruined Watchtower (hidden chest in northwestern corner)
- Ruined Watchtower (top of the cliff in northeastern corner)
- Ruined Watchtower (hidden under rock pile next to the bridge in the south)
- Dwarven Ruins (barrel on the northwestern parapet)
- Dwarven Ruins (chest on the southwestern parapet)
- Dwarven Ruins (troll lair top floor, chest in the room with Kargadd)
- Dwarven Ruins (troll lair top floor, body of Nagrundi. Near the Sun dial)
- Dwarven Ruins (troll lair bottom floor, under floor stone next to the fire in the room with the glowing rune)
- Dwarven Ruins (troll lair bottom floor, underneath a hidden stone, next to the troll “treasury”)
Once you have all 10 fragments you can turn them in to the storyteller for the helmet.
Dwarven Smith Paraphanalia:
Fragments locations:
- Soot Blackened Brand: Skunk River Ford THIS IS A TIME LOCKED ITEM (to the east as you zone in, second chest in the gnome camp. Only available during the ‘rescue Jubilost’ phase of the Troll Trouble questline)
- Soot Blackened Apron: Ruined Watchtower (chest in the ruined watchtower)
- Soot Blackened Gloves: Dwarven Ruins (troll lair top floor, chest due south of the entrance)
- Soot Blackened Tongs: Dwarven Ruins (troll lair bottom floor, chest next to Hargulka’s throne)
- Soot Blackened Hammer: Dwarven Ruins (troll lair bottom floor, chest nearby the southern door to the top floor of the lair.)
Once you have all 5 fragments you can turn them in to the storyteller for 1,125xp, 10,000xp, and a good story.