PC Controls for Chivalry 2
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
13 Mar 2022
Here’s everything you need to know about the default keyboard controls and shortcuts for Chivalry 2 on your PC.
All PC Settings
Default Control Scheme
General Controls:
- Weapon Select: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Special: Q
- Use: E
- Jab: R
- Sprint: Shift
- Emote: Z, X, B
- Battle Cry: C
- Cancel: V
- Crouch: CTRL
- Alt Attack: ALT
- Jump & Dodge: Space
- Slash (LMB)
- Block (Right Mouse Button)
- Flourish: MMB Click (Mouse)
Stab: Scroll Up (Mouse)
Overhead: Scroll Down (Mouse)
Additional Controls:
- Third Person: P
- Suicide: F10
- Loadout: L
- Team Select: N
- All Say: Y
- Team Say: T
The image shows you exactly what the key bindings for the keyboard are.