PC Controls for Sven Co-op
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
04 Jul 2021
Here’s your go-to rundown of all the keyboard shortcuts and key bindings for Sven Co-op on PC. If the default keys feel like a stretch, remember you can tweak them in the settings to fit your groove. Bookmark this guide for those times when you need a quick refresher—because let’s face it… there’s a lot to keep track of!!
PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings
- Move forward: W
- Move back: S
- Turn left: Left
- Turn right: Right
- Move left (strafe): A
- Move right (strafe): D
- Jump: Space
- Duck: Left Ctrl
- Walk: Left Shift
- Use items (buttons, scientists, …): MOUSE5 or E
- Use voice communication: MOUSE4 or Left Alt
- Chat message: Y
- Team message: U
- Primary attack: MOUSE1
- Secondary attack: MOUSE2
- Tertiary Attack (throw crowbar): MOUSE3
- Reload weapon: R
- Flashlight: F
- Spray logo: T
- Weapon category 1: 1
- Weapon category 2: 2
- Weapon category 3: 3
- Weapon category 4: 4
- Weapon category 5: 5
- Weapon category 6: 6
- Weapon category 7: 7
- Weapon category 8: 8
- Weapon category 9: 9
- Weapon category 0: 0
- Previous weapon: Mouse Wheel Up
- Next weapon: Mouse Wheel Down
- Last weapon used: Q
- Command menu: C
- Voting menu: V
- Inventory menu: I
- Call for help or medic NPC: Z
- Media player: Home
- Play song: Insert
- Next track: PageDown
- Previous track: PageUp
- Stop song / turn off media player: End
- Return to me: B
- Attack my target: N
- Stop and find cover: M
- Display multiplayer scores: Tab
- Take screenshot: F5
- Quit game: F10
- Look up: Up
- Look down: Down
- Look straight ahead: –
- Strafe modifier: –
- Mouse look modifier: –
- Keyboard look modifier: –
- Yell to warn other players: X
- Drop current weapon: G
- Drop primary ammo: H
- Drop secondary ammo: J
- Attempt to un-stuck yourself: L
- Commit suicide: K
- Toggle third person view mode: J
- Map briefing: F1
- Server information: F2