PC Controls for Warlocks Deeds - Magic Game World

PC Controls for Warlocks Deeds

PC Controls for Warlocks Deeds

Here’s your go-to guide for all the default keyboard controls and key bindings in Warlocks Deeds on PC. Remember you can tweak most of these to your liking, though a few are set in stone. No need to stress over memorizing them all – this guide is the perfect quick reference for a fast refresher, anytime you need it!!



PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings

General Controls

  • Move Left – A


  • Move Right – D


  • Move Forwards – W


  • Move Backwards – S


  • Jump – SPACE


  • Sprint – LSHIFT


  • Crouch – LCTRL


  • Action – MOUSE 1


  • Action/Repair – MOUSE 2


  • Open/Activate – E


  • Off Hand Use – Q


  • Hot Bar Next – WHEEL DOWN


  • Hot Bar Prev – WHEEL UP


  • In Hand Drop – BACKSPACE


  • Off Hand Drop – RETURN




  • View Inventory – TAB


  • View Map – M


  • View Perks – LEFT


  • Shape/Arrow Selector – F


  • Shape Rotation Selector – R


  • Shape Material Selector. – V


  • Rotate Shape Left – LEFTBRACKET


  • Rotate Shape Right – RIGHTBRACKET



Short Cuts

  • In Hand Inventory slot 1 – 1


  • In Hand Inventory slot 2 – 2


  • In Hand Inventory slot 3 – 3


  • In Hand Inventory slot 4 – 4


  • In Hand Inventory slot 5 – 5


  • In Hand Inventory slot 6 – 6


  • In Hand Inventory slot 7 – 7


  • In Hand Inventory slot 8 – 8


  • In Hand Inventory slot 9 – 9


  • Grab all items from loot container – G



Default Control Scheme

PC Controls for Warlocks Deeds


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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