PC Controls for Will To Live Online
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
13 Apr 2022
Check out this guide for a complete rundown of all the keyboard controls and key bindings you can use in Will To Live Online on PC. Keep in mind you can always customize these controls from the main menu. This guide is perfect for a quick glance whenever you need to refresh your memory…
Default PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings
- Move forward: W
- Move back: S
- Move left: A
- Move right: D
- Look up: Up
- Look down: Down
- Turn left: Left
- Turn right: Right
- Jump: Space Bar
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Crouch: Left Ctrl
- Auto walking (sprinting): Num /
- Use: F
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Switch fire mode: B
- Quick melee hit: Middle Mouse Button
- Throw a nut: Z
- Hide usable item: H
- Quick throw grenade: G
- Show/hide emotions menu: B
- Toggle flashlight: L
- Hold breath: Left Alt
Slots and Equipment
- Next fast access slot: Mouse Wheel Up
- Previous fast access slot: Mouse Wheel Down
- Fast access slot 1: 1
- Fast access slot 2: 2
- Fast access slot 3: 3
- Fast access slot 4: 4
- Fast access slot 5: 5
- Fast access slot 6: 6
- Fast access slot 7: 7
- Fast access slot 8: 8
- Equipment slot 1 use: F1
- Equipment slot 2 use: F2
- Equipment slot 3 use: F3
- Equipment slot 4 use: F4
- Make next widget visible: Insert
- Make previous widget visible: Delete
- Make next quest active: Page Up
- Make previous quest active: Page Down
- Zoom in minimap: Num +
- Zoom out minimap: Num –
- Reset minimap zoom: Num *
- Show/hide inventory: I
- Show/hide account inventory: U
- Show/hide in-game menu: Escape
- Show/hide HUD: F10
- Make screenshot: F12
- Unlock mouse cursor: Tab
- Show/hide PDA: J
- Show/hide PDA character info: C
- Show/hide PDA quest log: Q
- Show/hide PDA map: M
- Show/hide PDA group: G
- Show/hide PDA clan: K
- Push to talk: V
- Toggle chat: T
- Toggle feedback window: End