PC Controls for Zombie Survival Game Online
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
17 Jul 2022
This guide provides a complete rundown of the default keyboard controls and shortcuts for Zombie Survival Game Online on PC; keep in mind that you can fully customize these keys in the settings menu. So, if any of them don’t feel quite right, go ahead and switch them up to suit your preference!!
Default PC Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys
- Interact: F
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Crouch: Left Ctrl
- Down Context Menu: Mouse Wheel Down
- Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Jump: Space Bar
- Lower Build Part: Q
- Quick Slot 1: 1
- Quick Slot 2: 2
- Quick Slot 3: 3
- Quick Slot 4: 4
- Quick Slot 5: 5
- Quick Slot 6: 6
- Quick Slot 7: 7
- Quick Slot 8: 8
- Quick Slot 9: 9
- Raise Build Part: E
- Reload: R
- Rotate Build Part: R
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Toggle Fire Mode: B
- Toggle Inventory: Tab
- Up Context Menu: Mouse Wheel Up
- Forward: W
- Backward: S
- Left: A
- Right: D
- Lean Left: Q
- Toggle Chat: Backslash
- Toggle Social Menu: P
- Auto Run: X
- Flashlight: L