Phantom Doctrine – Danger - Magic Game World

Phantom Doctrine – Danger

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As you search for enemy Agents, those Agents are looking for you. Your Danger indicator is in the top-right corner of your screen: green means you are safe, and red means that an enemy Agent is onto your home base’s location.



Danger cannot be decreased; you can only control its increase. Danger increases over time if there is an enemy cell present on the map, a captured Conspiracy Agent is in MK Ultra, or if there is a Conspiracy mole in your hideout. Root these out as soon as possible to stop your Danger from increasing. Danger may increase as a result of some actions, including:



-Allowing Enemy Scout activity to complete. You must interrupt the op or set up an assault to prevent this. See Espionage Network for more information.



-Abandoning your Agents in missions. Ensure they all make it to the Evac point, even if you have to carry them there.



-Allowing your Evacuation to become compromised. Only call an Evac in Combat mode when you have enough time to reach it.



-Recruiting enemy moles, or hiring and firing many Agents in a row. The MK Ultra facility can help mitigate this.



-Initiating Combat in an Infiltration mission.



-Agents Ambushed while staying in a location other than the Hideout.



Inevitably, your Danger will reach a high danger level, meaning an enemy Agent is close to discovering your home base location. You will be prompted to move your home base immediately: you may choose to forgo this, but as your Danger increases your home base will be found. You can also manually move your home base in the Analytics facility.



If your home base is discovered, you must make a run for it—and likely lose some of your Agents. These Agents may eventually return or be captured for good. You’ll also lose money and any captured enemy agents. After discovery, you have to move your home base: a free option will be available, but with high Danger at the start. This means that the longer you go without paying for a new home base, the more frequently you’ll be found. Save your money as your Danger level approaches the red. Some home base locations are cheaper than others: the more expensive they are, the less Danger you start out with.



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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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