Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – A Brighter World Achievement Guide
Articles, Pillars of Eternity 2 /
28 May 2018
A Brighter World
Complete the Vailian Trading Company faction questline.
Vailian Trading Company quests are given by Alvari and Ignato Castol (both located in Vailian Trading Company Headquarters). Those two are at odds and you will have to choose between them at some point. It doesn’t matter who you choose, you can continue VTC faction quest with either of those two in charge. The “point of no return” comes with a quest “Sabotage at the Brass Citadel” – if you do that one, you will forfeit every other alliance and bind yourself to VTC. So, save before talking to Flaune at the Spire of the Soul-Seekers if you want to pursue other faction quests first.