Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Druid Guide - Magic Game World

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Druid Guide

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Animists at heart, druids tap into the spiritual power that flows through the simple living things of Eora: plants, animals, and sometimes even living stone. While not necessarily religious, druids do have a reverence for the natural world and a keen interest in understanding its mysteries. In most cultures, druids are understood as a sort of primal magician, but among the Glanfathans, Naasitaqu, and many rural cultures, they may have high positions of influence and authority.


Major Role: Crowd Control


Minor Roles: Support, Striker


Resource: Nature Spells



Druid Subclasses



• Instead of an animal form, Furies spiritshift into a storm blight.


• Elemental druid spells gain increased range and Penetration.


• Killing an enemy while spiritshifted extends the duration of the shift.




• Cannot cast Rejuvenation spells.





• Druid Rejuvenation spells cast with increased Power Level.


• While spiritshifted, the druid’s power level bonus to Rejuvenation spells is greatly increased.




• Cannot cast creature summon spells.


• After spiritshift, the druid receives a significant penalty to the power level of their Rejuvenation spells, until combat ends.





• Druid can switch to any of the spiritshifting animals, once each, per combat.


• Spiritshift has a longer duration.


• After a spiritshift ends, the druid is healed a portion of their health.




• Cannot cast spells while in animal form.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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