Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Inspirations and Afflictions - Magic Game World

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Inspirations and Afflictions

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Inspirations and Afflictions are the equivalents of buff and debuff from most RPGs. Inspirations give a beneficial effect on a target while Afflictions cause a negative effect to affect the target.

Each Stat has an associate type of Inspiration and Affliction affecting it. And each type of Inspiration and Affliction has 3 levels of power. If two Inspiration or Affliction of the same type are applied at once the stronger of the two will prevail on the other and they won’t stack together. If an effect is applied when already on the target then the effect’s duration is the one of the last action that applied it.


Let’s take the Resolve Afflictions as an example to see their effects and how they ramp up from one another:


  • Shaken is the 1st stage of Resolve affliction and causes the target to suffer a penalty of -5 Resolve and -1 Power Level.


  • Frightened is the 2nd stage of Resolve affliction and causes the target to suffer a penalty of -5 Resolve and the target cannot use any hostile ability for the duration.


  • Terrified is the 3rd and last stage of Resolve affliction and causes the target to suffer a penalty of -5 Resolve, -3 Power Level and cannot perform any action except for running away.


If an Inspiration and Affliction with opposing effects are applied during the same period of time then they cancel each other out. This can be used to purposefully remove an Affliction on an ally or an Inspiration on an enemy when needed.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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