Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Priest Guide - Magic Game World

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Priest Guide

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Priests are devotees of Eora’s deities and practitioners of religious magic. While all priests dedicate themselves to specific gods, priests’ power is actually derived from their personal beliefs. In contrast to most paladins, priests tend to focus on philosophy, teaching, and the relationship of religious organizations with common folk. The reception of priests in any given part of the world depends largely on how their god is revered or reviled – by the people who live there.


Role: Support


Resource: Faith Spells



Priest Subclasses



Priests of Berath automatically learn the following spells at the appropriate Power Level:


-Touch of Rot

-Holy Meditation

-Spreading Plague

-Divine Terror

-Rot Skulls

-Salvation of Time

-Rusted Armor

-Symbol of Berath

-Hand of Berath





Priests of Eothas automatically learn the following spells at the appropriate Power Level:




-Watchful Presence

-Circle of Protection

-Revive the Fallen

-Minor Intercession


-Symbol of Eothas

-Light of Eothas





Priests of Magran automatically learn the following spells at the appropriate Power Level:


-Fan of Flames

-Spiritual Weapon

-Ray of Fire

-Shining Beacon

-Flame Shield

-Pillar of Holy Fire

-Torrent of Flame

-Symbol of Magran

-Magran’s Might


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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