Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Ranger Guide - Magic Game World

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Ranger Guide

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Rangers are warriors of the woodlands and masters of the hunt. Always partnered with soul-bonded animal companions, they can be found in wild spaces all over the world. As their lifestyles often tend toward independence and isolation, it is rare for rangers to become an integral part of a large fighting force, though they are often employed as scouts and guides.


Major Role: Striker


Minor Role: Defender


Resource: Bond



Ranger Subclasses



• Bonus Hit to Crit conversion when attacking targets greater than 4m away.

• Bonus Penetration when attacking targets 4m or closer.



• Slower Recovery Time.

• Lower Deflection.





• Immune to Bonded Grief.

• Animal Companion is immune to Engagement.



• Must actively summon Animal Companion during battle (costs Bond and has a duration).

• Companion is considered a Spirit and is affected by Spirit-targeting powers.

• Animal Companion cannot be healed (Unable to learn both Heal Pet and Revive Pet abilities).





• The stalker and their companion gain bonus Deflection and Armor Rating when within 4m of each other.



• The stalker and their companion suffer Bonded Grief when they are more than 7m from each other.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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