Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Relationships - Magic Game World

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Relationships

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Pillars of Eternity II tracks the positive and negative attitudes of companions towards your Watcher and each other. As your character and companions say things that express their beliefs, the companions process things they care about in a positive or negative way. Additionally, specific scripted events can influence a companion’s attitude (for example, completing an important quest in a way that the companion really cares about).



Faction Reactions

Many of the companions possess established attitudes toward the major and minor factions in Pillars II. How you interact with these factions will influence the companion’s attitude towards your character, possibly resulting in a confrontation or even a companion leaving the party.



Special Relationships

In Pillars II, relationships produce a fundamental change in how a companion interacts with the Watcher or other companions. These special relationships may be positive or negative and may be expressed as camaraderie, profound respect, open loathing, passive-aggressive contempt, platonic romance, a casual sexual relationship, or something else entirely.


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