PixARK - Attributes - Magic Game World

PixARK – Attributes

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Health is a representation of your current life value. If your health reaches 0, you are dead. When your health is at or below 30 HP, your character becomes injured and will move much slower. You will have to regenerate your health by eating cooked meat or bread, using a health potion, or through natural regeneration in order to regain normal functionality. Being attacked, falling, drowning, and extreme temperatures can all lower your health.


Stamina is a representation of how much energy you have. Actions such as running, jumping, swimming, harvesting resources, and attacking will all drain your stamina. Actions that consume stamina will also cause your Food and Water levels to drop more rapidly.


Oxygen is a measure of how long you can hold your breath while underwater. It also affects how fast you can move in the water. Submerging yourself in water will drain your oxygen over time. If you run out of oxygen, you will begin to suffocate and your Health will be drained until you surface.


Food is a representation of how fed you currently are. You will gradually become more hungry over time, but actions that consume Stamina will drain your food. If your character is cold, they will become hungry faster. If your food reaches 0, you will starve, draining your Health and gradually increasing Torpidity.


Food can be restored by eating berries, meat, vegetables, eggs and various other foods.


Water is a measure of how hydrated you are. Your water levels naturally decrease over time, but actions that consume Stamina will also drain your water. If you are hot, you will become thirsty faster. Eating stimberries will also cause a rapid decline in water levels. If your water reaches 0, you will become dehydrated, draining your Health and gradually increasing Torpidity. You can refill your water by drinking from a body of water or a tap, submerging yourself, using a waterbag, copper kettle, or standing in the rain.


Weight is a measure of how much you are carrying. Every item has a weight value, and if the total weight value of everything you are carrying becomes too great, you will slow down or even stop. If your carried weight becomes equal to or greater than about 85% of your total weight, you will become encumbered, which will slow your movement speed considerably and render you unable to jump. If your carried weight becomes equal to or greater than your total weight, you will be unable to move at all until you drop enough items.


Fortitude is a measure of your resistance against water, torpidity, and diseases. A higher fortitude increases your natural hypothermic and hyperthermic insulation and lessens the effects that you receive from Hypothermia and Hyperthermia. It also gives you resistance to Torpidity-increasing effects such as consumption of Sleepy Potion, hits from Sleepy Arrow or Slingshot, and torpidity-inducing attacks from creatures.


Crafting Speed is a measure of how fast you Craft items and also which quality they have. Higher crafting skill reduces the amount of time it takes to craft an item, allowing you to craft more items in a shorter amount of time. Since you are slower while crafting, this also reduces the amount of time that you are slowed from crafting on the go.


Speed is a measure of how fast you can move. Your Weight will also affect your movement speed while Crafting, Encumbered, or Injured. Oxygen Increases movement speed while swimming.


Torpidity is the measure of weariness for a Human or Creature. If your torpidity reaches 200, you will become unconscious and unable to do anything, leaving you an easy target to attack or theft.


Since the biggest source of torpidity a player will experience is from hostile attacks, it is advised to wear good Armor to combat the effect inflicted. Torpidity-increasing attacks are affected by the amount of damage they deal; that is why wearing Steel Armor heavily increases your chances compared to using Leather Armor. This also goes for the Saddles on tamed creatures.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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