PixARK - Beginner Tips - Magic Game World

PixARK – Beginner Tips

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Stick to the “friendly zones”

We’d suggest that new Explorers start in the Novice Prairie, where budding players can gather many resources, and encounter docile creatures! When looking at the map using the “M” key, the color of the area you’re in will match the legend showing how friendly or dangerous it is. Be sure to prepare before heading out into more dangerous regions of the ARK.



Get Crafting!

The first thing that Explorers should try and do after landing on the ARK is to craft themselves their first set of tools! By opening up your inventory using the default key “I” and going to the crafting tab, Explorers will be able to see what they need to collect in order to craft their first pickaxe and hatchet. These are vital tools for every Explorer and should be a priority.



Home is where the House is.

Having a home to call your own is another vital step to thriving on the ARK! Find an area that is right for you, gather materials for the home you’d like to make, and then get to the building! Be sure to check out the engram list to see all of the different tools and structures you can make, and work on creating your dream home!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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