PixARK - Biome Center Guide - Magic Game World

PixARK – Biome Center Guide

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Biome Center 

This guide was made to help identify all the special regions that some biomes hide. Many creatures, when scanned, describe being found in a biome’s “Outer Ring” or “Center,” but those have never been explained by the game.


Please note that not all biomes have sub-biomes. They seem to be absent from the Grassland and Novice Grassland biomes. These sub-biomes have no official names and will always share the name of their parent biome on the players’ HUD. The names picked in this guide have been selected by the guide author arbitrarily but are mostly based on the names of the rare trees found within them or other in-game references to them.


The names of each sub-biome’s rare trees can be seen in-game when using your scanner on the base of their trunk.


If you’ve been looking for rare berries, learning how to spot the biomes’ centers will be a huge asset. All of the rare berries found so far can only be seen in particular biome centers.



Doomlands Center: The Lava Fields

Easy to spot from the large fields of lava surrounded by volcanic rock. It will also be littered with dark pillars of rock, which can be mined for firestone powder (powdered flint).


Special Tree: Lava Tree


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Dark Tree Seed


Rare Berry: None


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Dark Forest Center: The Rotten Forest

Marked by sickly-looking trees, scattered spots of Soul Sand and frequent Sporeshrooms. Reapers frequently patrol this region.


Special Tree: Rotten Dark Forest Tree


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Dark Tree Seed


Rare Berry: Grey Berry


Rare Resource: Soul Sand


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Frozen Land Center: The Snowy Plateau

Eye-catching due to its high-reaching, icy crags and the unique appearance of its snow-covered trees. Ice Elementals seem to patrol this region with great frequency.


Special Tree: Plateau Snow Tree


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Frigid Tree Seed


Rare Berry: None


Note that this sub-biome’s unique vegetation looks similar to the variety of mushroom-like plants from the Dark Swamp, only they are snow-covered. While none have been found yet, like the green berries of the Dark Swamp, they may provide a rare drop.


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Golden Realm Center: The Mysterious Valley

This sub-biome is easiest to spot when it is covered with its unique trees as their glowing fruit really stands out.


Special Tree: Mysterious Valley Tree


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Plateau Tree Seed


Rare Berry: Orange Berry


Rare Resource: Flash Rock can often be found in open patches.


This region will often have the Golden Realm’s normal Golden Maples but is still easy to spot due to its berry bushes which look like golden daisies. It’s particularly easy to find on snowy days, as the snow will not cover its grassy patches. It’s frequently dotted with patches of Flash Rock which also gives the region away.



Magic Forest Center: The Mageweave Forest

This sub-biome stands out from a distance due to its various glowing trees and berry bushes.


Special Tree: Magic Tree and Elemental Tree (variant appearance from normal Elemental Tree)


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Mageweave Tree Seeds


Rare Berry: None known


Note that one of this sub-region’s berries, the one with the box-shaped fruit that has a single circle per side, looks just like the plant grown from the admin-spawned Moonlight Berry Seeds. While it only seems to drop normal magic berries, it may have other rare drops.


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Swamp Center: The Dark Swamp

Easily spotted by its gigantic trees and numerous types of mushroom-like plants. Sarcos are especially common in this region.


Special Tree: Dark Swamp Tree


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Swamp Tree Seed or Tropical Tree Seed


Rare Berry: Green Berry


The unique trees of this sub-biome seem to be one of the few that drops a unique seed, but they only have a chance to do so. Often, they will instead drop the parent biome’s normal Tropical Tree Seeds.


Unlike the orange and grey berries, the green berries are a rare drop that can be gathered from any of this sub-biome’s many different mushroom-like plants. These unique plants will normally drop regular berries but have a varied drop table which also includes fiber, carrion, and rarely green berries. Using a sickle on these plants will usually only provide fiber, and harvesting them with a trike only provides a very small chance of getting green berry seeds.


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Desert Center: The Badlands

This region is easily marked by its tall pillars of rock, which can be harvested for flint. Ankylos seems more common here.


Special Tree: None, but dead stumps can still be found here.


Rare Berry: None


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Mountain Forest Center: The Mist Forest

Easily spotted by its swift elevation in height and its unique trees and flowers. The bamboo of the surrounding biome is no longer present.


Special Tree: Mist Tree


Special Tree’s Seed Drop: Mist Tree Seed


Rare Berry: Pink Berry; rare drop


The special trees in this region are one of the few that drop a unique seed. The plants that give pink berries only do so as a rare drop.


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Deep Ocean Outer Ring: The Shallows

Ocean shallows are included in this guide, despite being more equitable to the biome’s outer ring, due to the rare Coral Rock and Sea Crystal which can be found in great abundance here.


Special Tree: None


Rare Berry: None


Rare Resource: Coral Rock and Sea Crystal


Coral Rock can be found in the center of many of the circles that dot the seabed of the shallows. Each of these patches of Coral Rock hides a layer Sea Crystal beneath it. Note that not every circle on the sea bed will have these two resources, as many will soley be clay instead, but they will be immediately apparent by whichever resource is on the top layer.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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