PixARK Item ID List - Magic Game World

PixARK Item ID List

PixARK Item ID List

Item ID List

Press the Tab or ` (tilde) key on your keyboard and type:

enablecheats Password (Switch out “Password” with your admin password)


Note: Must be logged in as admin to use copy only “cheat giveitemnum 001 1 1 0” Change the 0 to make blueprint. Change second 1 to change Quality, Change first 1 to change Quantity.


Example: cheat giveitemnum 0 100 0 0 (would result in 100 wood)



ID List

cheat giveitemnum 000 1 1 0 Wood
cheat giveitemnum 001 1 1 0 Fiber
cheat giveitemnum 002 1 1 0 Dirt
cheat giveitemnum 003 1 1 0 Rock
cheat giveitemnum 004 1 1 0 Thatch
cheat giveitemnum 005 1 1 0 Wood Wall
cheat giveitemnum 006 1 1 0 Wood Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 007 1 1 0 Wood Floor
cheat giveitemnum 008 1 1 0 Wood Fence
cheat giveitemnum 009 1 1 0 Wood Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 010 1 1 0 wood Door
cheat giveitemnum 011 1 1 0 Wood Step
cheat giveitemnum 012 1 1 0 Thatch Wall
cheat giveitemnum 013 1 1 0 Thatch Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 014 1 1 0 Thatch Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 015 1 1 0 Thatch Door
cheat giveitemnum 016 1 1 0 Rope Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 017 1 1 0 Wood Window
cheat giveitemnum 018 1 1 0 Campfire
cheat giveitemnum 019 1 1 0 Cooking Pot
cheat giveitemnum 020 1 1 0 Sleeping Bag
cheat giveitemnum 021 1 1 0 Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 022 1 1 0 Workbench
cheat giveitemnum 023 1 1 0 Smelter
cheat giveitemnum 024 1 1 0 Bed
cheat giveitemnum 025 1 1 0 Stone Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 026 1 1 0 Stone Railing
cheat giveitemnum 027 1 1 0 Stone Floor
cheat giveitemnum 028 1 1 0 Stone Stair
cheat giveitemnum 029 1 1 0 Stone Wall
cheat giveitemnum 030 1 1 0 Clay Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 031 1 1 0 Clay Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 032 1 1 0 Clay Stairs
cheat giveitemnum 033 1 1 0 Clay Wall
cheat giveitemnum 034 1 1 0 Wood Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 035 1 1 0 Wood Behemoth Gate
cheat giveitemnum 036 1 1 0 Mortar and Pestle
cheat giveitemnum 037 1 1 0 Wood Chair
cheat giveitemnum 038 1 1 0 Wood Table
cheat giveitemnum 039 1 1 0 Wood Sign
cheat giveitemnum 040 1 1 0 Wood Pickaxe
cheat giveitemnum 041 1 1 0 Bone
cheat giveitemnum 042 1 1 0 Clay Block
cheat giveitemnum 043 1 1 0 Coal Block
cheat giveitemnum 044 1 1 0 Copper Ore
cheat giveitemnum 045 1 1 0 Keratin
cheat giveitemnum 046 1 1 0 Flint
cheat giveitemnum 047 1 1 0 Flower
cheat giveitemnum 048 1 1 0 Fur
cheat giveitemnum 049 1 1 0 Gravel
cheat giveitemnum 050 1 1 0 Leather
cheat giveitemnum 051 1 1 0 Mushroom
cheat giveitemnum 052 1 1 0 Sand
cheat giveitemnum 053 1 1 0 Sandstone
cheat giveitemnum 054 1 1 0 Chitin
cheat giveitemnum 055 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock
cheat giveitemnum 056 1 1 0 Water Block
cheat giveitemnum 057 1 1 0 Boneash
cheat giveitemnum 058 1 1 0 Charcoal
cheat giveitemnum 059 1 1 0 Copper Ingot
cheat giveitemnum 060 1 1 0 Firestone Powder
cheat giveitemnum 061 1 1 0 Glass Block
cheat giveitemnum 062 1 1 0 Salt
cheat giveitemnum 063 1 1 0 Wood Axe
cheat giveitemnum 064 1 1 0 Stone Axe
cheat giveitemnum 065 1 1 0 Stone Pick
cheat giveitemnum 066 1 1 0 Copper Pick
cheat giveitemnum 067 1 1 0 Normal Copper Axe
cheat giveitemnum 068 1 1 0 Wood Wand
cheat giveitemnum 069 1 1 0 Bone Wand
cheat giveitemnum 070 1 1 0 Anyklo Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 071 1 1 0 Argentavius Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 072 1 1 0 Itchy Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 073 1 1 0 Pachy Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 074 1 1 0 Parasaur Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 075 1 1 0 Phiome Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 076 1 1 0 Ptero Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 077 1 1 0 Raptor Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 078 1 1 0 T-Rex Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 079 1 1 0 Trike Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 080 1 1 0 Drill
cheat giveitemnum 081 1 1 0 Stone Bow
cheat giveitemnum 082 1 1 0 Stone Arrow
cheat giveitemnum 083 1 1 0 Sleepy Arrow
cheat giveitemnum 084 1 1 0 Copper Gate
cheat giveitemnum 085 1 1 0 Copper Window
cheat giveitemnum 086 1 1 0 Glass Gate
cheat giveitemnum 087 1 1 0 Glass Wall
cheat giveitemnum 088 1 1 0 Sleepy Potion
cheat giveitemnum 089 1 1 0 Sharp Crystal
cheat giveitemnum 090 1 1 0 Magic Crystal Powder
cheat giveitemnum 091 1 1 0 Torch
cheat giveitemnum 092 1 1 0 Wood Stick
cheat giveitemnum 093 1 1 0 Spear
cheat giveitemnum 094 1 1 0 Slingshot
cheat giveitemnum 095 1 1 0 Copper Spear
cheat giveitemnum 096 1 1 0 Copper Sword
cheat giveitemnum 097 1 1 0 Pistol
cheat giveitemnum 098 1 1 0 Cloth Boots
cheat giveitemnum 099 1 1 0 Cloth Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 100 1 1 0 Cloth Hat
cheat giveitemnum 101 1 1 0 Cloth Pants
cheat giveitemnum 102 1 1 0 Cloth Shirt
cheat giveitemnum 103 1 1 0 Leather Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 104 1 1 0 Leather Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 105 1 1 0 Leather Pants
cheat giveitemnum 106 1 1 0 Leather Coat
cheat giveitemnum 107 1 1 0 Leather Boots
cheat giveitemnum 108 1 1 0 Chitin Boots
cheat giveitemnum 109 1 1 0 Chitin Gauntlets
cheat giveitemnum 110 1 1 0 Chitin Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 111 1 1 0 Chitin Leggings
cheat giveitemnum 112 1 1 0 Chitin Breastplate
cheat giveitemnum 113 1 1 0 Simple Bullet
cheat giveitemnum 114 1 1 0 Wooden Spike
cheat giveitemnum 115 1 1 0 Wood Spike Wall
cheat giveitemnum 116 1 1 0 Feeding Trough
cheat giveitemnum 117 1 1 0 Iron Table
cheat giveitemnum 118 1 1 0 Iron Chair
cheat giveitemnum 119 1 1 0 Iron Signpost
cheat giveitemnum 120 1 1 0 Magic Workbench
cheat giveitemnum 121 1 1 0 Preserving Bin
cheat giveitemnum 122 1 1 0 Large Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 123 1 1 0 Vault
cheat giveitemnum 124 1 1 0 Fabricator
cheat giveitemnum 125 1 1 0 Crucible
cheat giveitemnum 126 1 1 0 Iron Axe
cheat giveitemnum 127 1 1 0 Iron Pickaxe
cheat giveitemnum 128 1 1 0 Steel Axe
cheat giveitemnum 129 1 1 0 Steel Pickaxe
cheat giveitemnum 130 1 1 0 Crossbow
cheat giveitemnum 131 1 1 0 Compound Box
cheat giveitemnum 132 1 1 0 Iron Rod
cheat giveitemnum 133 1 1 0 Iron Spear
cheat giveitemnum 134 1 1 0 Iron Sword
cheat giveitemnum 135 1 1 0 Longneck Rifle
cheat giveitemnum 136 1 1 0 Shotgun
cheat giveitemnum 137 1 1 0 Apprentice Wand
cheat giveitemnum 139 1 1 0 Iron Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 140 1 1 0 Iron Gate
cheat giveitemnum 141 1 1 0 Iron Handrail
cheat giveitemnum 142 1 1 0 Iron Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 143 1 1 0 Iron Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 144 1 1 0 Giant Iron Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 145 1 1 0 Iron Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 146 1 1 0 Iron Stair
cheat giveitemnum 147 1 1 0 Iron Wall
cheat giveitemnum 148 1 1 0 Iron Window
cheat giveitemnum 149 1 1 0 Marble Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 150 1 1 0 Marble Handrail
cheat giveitemnum 151 1 1 0 Marble Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 152 1 1 0 Marble Stair
cheat giveitemnum 153 1 1 0 Marble Wall
cheat giveitemnum 154 1 1 0 Iron
cheat giveitemnum 155 1 1 0 Iron Ingot
cheat giveitemnum 156 1 1 0 Steel Ingot
cheat giveitemnum 157 1 1 0 Dark Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 158 1 1 0 Water Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 159 1 1 0 Wind Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 160 1 1 0 Thunder Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 161 1 1 0 Fire Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 162 1 1 0 Light Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 163 1 1 0 Earth Magic Stone Essence
cheat giveitemnum 164 1 1 0 Iron Signboard
cheat giveitemnum 165 1 1 0 Signboard on Wood Wall
cheat giveitemnum 166 1 1 0 Wood Spike Wall
cheat giveitemnum 167 1 1 0 Iron Spike Wall
cheat giveitemnum 168 1 1 0 Wooden Spike
cheat giveitemnum 170 1 1 0 Hanging Wall Torch
cheat giveitemnum 171 1 1 0 Standing Torch
cheat giveitemnum 172 1 1 0 Sauropod Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 173 1 1 0 Sauropod Platform Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 174 1 1 0 Wood Trapdoor
cheat giveitemnum 175 1 1 0 Wood Hatch
cheat giveitemnum 176 1 1 0 Stone Trapdoor
cheat giveitemnum 177 1 1 0 Stone Hatch
cheat giveitemnum 178 1 1 0 Iron Trapdoor
cheat giveitemnum 179 1 1 0 Iron Hatch
cheat giveitemnum 180 1 1 0 Power Generator
cheat giveitemnum 181 1 1 0 Fabricator
cheat giveitemnum 182 1 1 0 Cross Cable
cheat giveitemnum 183 1 1 0 Horizontal Electrical Cable
cheat giveitemnum 184 1 1 0 Vertical Electrical Cable
cheat giveitemnum 185 1 1 0 Junction Box
cheat giveitemnum 186 1 1 0 Quetzal Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 187 1 1 0 Quetzal Platform Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 188 1 1 0 Turtle Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 189 1 1 0 Frog Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 190 1 1 0 Doed Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 191 1 1 0 Stone Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 192 1 1 0 Stone Behemoth Gate
cheat giveitemnum 193 1 1 0 Crucible
cheat giveitemnum 194 1 1 0 Alchemy Stove
cheat giveitemnum 195 1 1 0 Dark Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 196 1 1 0 Water Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 197 1 1 0 Wind Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 198 1 1 0 Thunder Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 199 1 1 0 Fire Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 200 1 1 0 Light Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 201 1 1 0 Earth Magic Stone
cheat giveitemnum 202 1 1 0 Large Wooden Platform
cheat giveitemnum 203 1 1 0 Small Wood Lifting Platform
cheat giveitemnum 204 1 1 0 Medium Wood Lifting Platform
cheat giveitemnum 205 1 1 0 Wooden Lifting Track
cheat giveitemnum 206 1 1 0 Stimulant
cheat giveitemnum 207 1 1 0 Styptic
cheat giveitemnum 208 1 1 0 Healing Potion
cheat giveitemnum 209 1 1 0 Vigor Agent
cheat giveitemnum 210 1 1 0 Vigor Potion
cheat giveitemnum 211 1 1 0 Small Magic Lifting Platform
cheat giveitemnum 212 1 1 0 Medium Magic Lifting Platform
cheat giveitemnum 213 1 1 0 Magic Lifting Track
cheat giveitemnum 214 1 1 0 Magic Cable Intersectioon
cheat giveitemnum 215 1 1 0 Magic Horizontal Electrical Cable
cheat giveitemnum 216 1 1 0 Magic Vertical Energy Pipeline
cheat giveitemnum 217 1 1 0 Magic Energy Generator
cheat giveitemnum 218 1 1 0 Magic Radiation Crystal
cheat giveitemnum 219 1 1 0 Narcoberry
cheat giveitemnum 220 1 1 0 Azulberry
cheat giveitemnum 221 1 1 0 Mejoberry
cheat giveitemnum 222 1 1 0 Tintoberry
cheat giveitemnum 223 1 1 0 Stimberry
cheat giveitemnum 224 1 1 0 Amarberry
cheat giveitemnum 225 1 1 0 Cooked Meat
cheat giveitemnum 226 1 1 0 Large Dino Feces
cheat giveitemnum 227 1 1 0 Regualr Meat
cheat giveitemnum 228 1 1 0 Balloon Parachute
cheat giveitemnum 229 1 1 0 Magic Mixture Night Vision Potion
cheat giveitemnum 230 1 1 0 Magic Mixture Holy Light
cheat giveitemnum 231 1 1 0 Steel Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 232 1 1 0 Steel Gate
cheat giveitemnum 233 1 1 0 Steel Fence
cheat giveitemnum 234 1 1 0 Steel Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 235 1 1 0 Steel Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 236 1 1 0 Giant Steel Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 237 1 1 0 Steel Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 238 1 1 0 Steel Stair
cheat giveitemnum 239 1 1 0 Steel Wall
cheat giveitemnum 240 1 1 0 Steel Window
cheat giveitemnum 241 1 1 0 Lamp Post
cheat giveitemnum 242 1 1 0 Omnidirectional Lamp Post
cheat giveitemnum 243 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Trapdoor
cheat giveitemnum 244 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Hatch
cheat giveitemnum 245 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 246 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Gate
cheat giveitemnum 247 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Handrail
cheat giveitemnum 248 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 249 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Stair
cheat giveitemnum 250 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Wall
cheat giveitemnum 251 1 1 0 Tempered Glass Window
cheat giveitemnum 252 1 1 0 Gold Ingot
cheat giveitemnum 253 1 1 0 Gasoline
cheat giveitemnum 254 1 1 0 Longneck Rifle
cheat giveitemnum 255 1 1 0 Simple Rifle Ammo
cheat giveitemnum 256 1 1 0 Standard Assualt Rifle
cheat giveitemnum 257 1 1 0 Advance Rifle Ammo
cheat giveitemnum 258 1 1 0 Standard Pistol
cheat giveitemnum 259 1 1 0 Advance Bullet
cheat giveitemnum 260 1 1 0 Standard Sniper Rifle
cheat giveitemnum 261 1 1 0 Advanced Sniper Bullet
cheat giveitemnum 262 1 1 0 Shotgun
cheat giveitemnum 263 1 1 0 Shotgun Ammo
cheat giveitemnum 264 1 1 0 Pump Action Shotgun
cheat giveitemnum 265 1 1 0 Advance Rifle Bullet
cheat giveitemnum 266 1 1 0 Normal Rocket Launcher
cheat giveitemnum 267 1 1 0 Rocket Propelled Grenade
cheat giveitemnum 268 1 1 0 Goblin Trading Center
cheat giveitemnum 269 1 1 0 Heavy Miner Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 270 1 1 0 Summon Zombie
cheat giveitemnum 271 1 1 0 Light Gun
cheat giveitemnum 272 1 1 0 Light Bullet
cheat giveitemnum 273 1 1 0 Ballista Turret
cheat giveitemnum 274 1 1 0 Ballista Bolt
cheat giveitemnum 275 1 1 0 Small Metal Elevator Platform
cheat giveitemnum 276 1 1 0 Large Metal Platform
cheat giveitemnum 277 1 1 0 Medium Metal Platform
cheat giveitemnum 278 1 1 0 Metal Lifting Track
cheat giveitemnum 279 1 1 0 Copper Boots
cheat giveitemnum 280 1 1 0 Copper Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 281 1 1 0 Copper Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 282 1 1 0 Copper Leggings
cheat giveitemnum 283 1 1 0 Copper Breastplate
cheat giveitemnum 284 1 1 0 Elemental Boots
cheat giveitemnum 285 1 1 0 Elemental Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 286 1 1 0 Elemental Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 287 1 1 0 Elemental Pants
cheat giveitemnum 288 1 1 0 Elemental Coat
cheat giveitemnum 289 1 1 0 Iron Boots
cheat giveitemnum 290 1 1 0 Iron Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 291 1 1 0 Iron Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 292 1 1 0 Iron Leggings
cheat giveitemnum 293 1 1 0 Iron Breastplate
cheat giveitemnum 294 1 1 0 Straight Metal Water Pipe
cheat giveitemnum 295 1 1 0 Metal Water Tap
cheat giveitemnum 296 1 1 0 Vertical Metal Water Pipe
cheat giveitemnum 297 1 1 0 Horizontal Metal Water Pipe
cheat giveitemnum 298 1 1 0 Stone Water Tap
cheat giveitemnum 299 1 1 0 Vertical Water Pipe
cheat giveitemnum 300 1 1 0 Water Reservoir
cheat giveitemnum 301 1 1 0 Metal Water Reservoir
cheat giveitemnum 302 1 1 0 Water Bag (Empty)
cheat giveitemnum 303 1 1 0 Water Bag (Full)
cheat giveitemnum 304 1 1 0 Water Jar (Empty)
cheat giveitemnum 305 1 1 0 Water Jar (Full)
cheat giveitemnum 306 1 1 0 Water Bucket (Empty)
cheat giveitemnum 307 1 1 0 Water Bucket (Full)
cheat giveitemnum 310 1 1 0 Small Crop Plot
cheat giveitemnum 311 1 1 0 Medium Crop Plot
cheat giveitemnum 312 1 1 0 Chomper Seed
cheat giveitemnum 313 1 1 0 Chomper seed (Chinese)
cheat giveitemnum 314 1 1 0 Medium Dino Feces
cheat giveitemnum 315 1 1 0 Inscription Book
cheat giveitemnum 316 1 1 0 Flashlight Attachment
cheat giveitemnum 317 1 1 0 Holographic Scope
cheat giveitemnum 318 1 1 0 Silencer Attachment
cheat giveitemnum 319 1 1 0 Simple Scope
cheat giveitemnum 320 1 1 0 Elemental Magic Shield
cheat giveitemnum 321 1 1 0 Stone Water Intake Pipe
cheat giveitemnum 322 1 1 0 Metal Water Intake Pipe
cheat giveitemnum 323 1 1 0 Narcoberry Seed
cheat giveitemnum 325 1 1 0 Azulberry Seed
cheat giveitemnum 327 1 1 0 Mejoberry Seed
cheat giveitemnum 329 1 1 0 Tintoberry Seed
cheat giveitemnum 331 1 1 0 Stimberry Seed
cheat giveitemnum 333 1 1 0 AmarBerry Seed
cheat giveitemnum 335 1 1 0 Citronal Seed
cheat giveitemnum 337 1 1 0 Chomper Seed
cheat giveitemnum 338 1 1 0 Fast Chomper Seed
cheat giveitemnum 343 1 1 0 Savoroot Seed
cheat giveitemnum 345 1 1 0 Brewing Barrel
cheat giveitemnum 346 1 1 0 Compost Bin
cheat giveitemnum 348 1 1 0 Auto Turret
cheat giveitemnum 350 1 1 0 Magic Copper Axe
cheat giveitemnum 351 1 1 0 Magic Copper Selection
cheat giveitemnum 352 1 1 0 Magic Iron Axe
cheat giveitemnum 353 1 1 0 Magic Iron Selection
cheat giveitemnum 354 1 1 0 Magic Steel Axe
cheat giveitemnum 355 1 1 0 Magic Steel Selection
cheat giveitemnum 356 1 1 0 Magic Scroll
cheat giveitemnum 357 1 1 0 Super Pickaxe
cheat giveitemnum 358 1 1 0 Large Crop Plot
cheat giveitemnum 359 1 1 0 Paint Brush
cheat giveitemnum 360 1 1 0 Blue Dye
cheat giveitemnum 361 1 1 0 Red Dye
cheat giveitemnum 362 1 1 0 Green Dye
cheat giveitemnum 363 1 1 0 Spray Gun
cheat giveitemnum 364 1 1 0 Gryphon Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 365 1 1 0 Elemental Golem Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 366 1 1 0 Ghost Dragon Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 367 1 1 0 Centaur Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 368 1 1 0 Spring
cheat giveitemnum 369 1 1 0 Chitin Shoes
cheat giveitemnum 370 1 1 0 Armadillo Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 371 1 1 0 Shadow Leopard Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 372 1 1 0 Megalodon Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 373 1 1 0 Magic Moles Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 374 1 1 0 Mega Rock Dragon Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 375 1 1 0 Terror Bird Saddle
cheat giveitemnum 377 1 1 0 Wooden Shield
cheat giveitemnum 378 1 1 0 Soil Block
cheat giveitemnum 379 1 1 0 Crossbow
cheat giveitemnum 380 1 1 0 Master Wand
cheat giveitemnum 381 1 1 0 Super Test Meat
cheat giveitemnum 382 1 1 0 Anklyo Egg
cheat giveitemnum 383 1 1 0 Argentavis Egg
cheat giveitemnum 384 1 1 0 Compy Egg
cheat giveitemnum 385 1 1 0 Dilo Egg
cheat giveitemnum 386 1 1 0 Dodo Egg
cheat giveitemnum 387 1 1 0 Ovi Egg
cheat giveitemnum 388 1 1 0 Pachy Egg
cheat giveitemnum 389 1 1 0 Parasaur Egg
cheat giveitemnum 390 1 1 0 Pteradon Egg
cheat giveitemnum 391 1 1 0 Quetzal Egg
cheat giveitemnum 392 1 1 0 Raptor egg
cheat giveitemnum 393 1 1 0 T-Rex Egg
cheat giveitemnum 394 1 1 0 Mega Rock Dragon Egg
cheat giveitemnum 395 1 1 0 Sauropod Egg
cheat giveitemnum 396 1 1 0 Terror Bird Egg
cheat giveitemnum 397 1 1 0 Trike Egg
cheat giveitemnum 399 1 1 0 Portal
cheat giveitemnum 400 1 1 0 Super Magic Powder
cheat giveitemnum 401 1 1 0 Metal Sickle
cheat giveitemnum 402 1 1 0 Megaweave Bark
cheat giveitemnum 403 1 1 0 Magic Fiber
cheat giveitemnum 404 1 1 0 Magic Wood
cheat giveitemnum 405 1 1 0 Air Conditer
cheat giveitemnum 406 1 1 0 Check Mark Flag
cheat giveitemnum 407 1 1 0 Black Dye
cheat giveitemnum 408 1 1 0 Orange Dye
cheat giveitemnum 409 1 1 0 Pink Dye
cheat giveitemnum 410 1 1 0 Purple Dye
cheat giveitemnum 411 1 1 0 White Dye
cheat giveitemnum 412 1 1 0 Yellow Dye
cheat giveitemnum 413 1 1 0 Stone Shovel
cheat giveitemnum 414 1 1 0 Iron Shovel
cheat giveitemnum 447 1 1 0 Fridge
cheat giveitemnum 448 1 1 0 Electronic
cheat giveitemnum 450 1 1 0 Bamboo Door
cheat giveitemnum 470 1 1 0 Metal Shield
cheat giveitemnum 471 1 1 0 Metal Billboard
cheat giveitemnum 488 1 1 0 Wheat
cheat giveitemnum 509 1 1 0 Grenade
cheat giveitemnum 521 1 1 0 Mine
cheat giveitemnum 523 1 1 0 Fishing Rod
cheat giveitemnum 524 1 1 0 Sulfur
cheat giveitemnum 525 1 1 0 GunPowder
cheat giveitemnum 537 1 1 0 magic sleepy arrow
cheat giveitemnum 589 1 1 0 Zombie Heart
cheat giveitemnum 600 1 1 0 Gas Mask
cheat giveitemnum 754 1 1 0 magician boots
cheat giveitemnum 755 1 1 0 magician gloves
cheat giveitemnum 756 1 1 0 magician helmet
cheat giveitemnum 757 1 1 0 magician pants
cheat giveitemnum 758 1 1 0 magician coat
cheat giveitemnum 770 1 1 0 Ice Shield
cheat giveitemnum 772 1 1 0 Candle
cheat giveitemnum 773 1 1 0 CandleLight
cheat giveitemnum 774 1 1 0 CandleStick
cheat giveitemnum 775 1 1 0 Wall CandleStick
cheat giveitemnum 776 1 1 0 wall Lamp
cheat giveitemnum 782 1 1 0 Centaur Spear
cheat giveitemnum 783 1 1 0 Mole Pick
cheat giveitemnum 792 1 1 0 Blind Arrow
cheat giveitemnum 812 1 1 0 Raptor Claws
cheat giveitemnum 813 1 1 0 Mole Claws
cheat giveitemnum 792 1 1 0 Blind Arrow
cheat giveitemnum 793 1 1 0 Ice Arrow
cheat giveitemnum 794 1 1 0 Lava Bots
cheat giveitemnum 795 1 1 0 Lava Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 796 1 1 0 Lava Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 797 1 1 0 Lava Pants
cheat giveitemnum 798 1 1 0 Lava Armor
cheat giveitemnum 803 1 1 0 Decoration Hut
cheat giveitemnum 804 1 1 0 Tailor’s Workbench
cheat giveitemnum 808 1 1 0 Boulder (for catapult)
cheat giveitemnum 814 1 1 0 Shining Wand
cheat giveitemnum 815 1 1 0 Pegasus Horn
cheat giveitemnum 817 1 1 0 Dye Workbench
cheat giveitemnum 818 1 1 0 Feed Pot
cheat giveitemnum 824 1 1 0 Glass Bottle
cheat giveitemnum 829 1 1 0 Super Drill
cheat giveitemnum 830 1 1 0 Cannon
cheat giveitemnum 831 1 1 0 Cannon ball
cheat giveitemnum 844 1 1 0 Mediterranean Bridge
cheat giveitemnum 845 1 1 0 Mediterranean Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 846 1 1 0 Mediterranean Fence
cheat giveitemnum 847 1 1 0 Mediterranean Foundation
cheat giveitemnum 848 1 1 0 Mediterranean Gate
cheat giveitemnum 849 1 1 0 Mediterranean Stair
cheat giveitemnum 850 1 1 0 Mediterranean roof
cheat giveitemnum 851 1 1 0 Mediterranean Wall
cheat giveitemnum 852 1 1 0 Mediterranean Window
cheat giveitemnum 853 1 1 0 Primitive Feather Flame Costume
cheat giveitemnum 854 1 1 0 Grappling hook
cheat giveitemnum 855 1 1 0 Candle Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 860 1 1 0 Primal Parachute
cheat giveitemnum 880 1 1 0 Firefly Wall Lamp
cheat giveitemnum 881 1 1 0 Firefly Ceiling Lamp
cheat giveitemnum 882 1 1 0 Relic Ruins Brick
cheat giveitemnum 883 1 1 0 Diferent Relic Ruins Brick
cheat giveitemnum 885 1 1 0 Bamboo
cheat giveitemnum 886 1 1 0 Rocket Backpack
cheat giveitemnum 896 1 1 0 Wind Driven Generator
cheat giveitemnum 897 1 1 0 Ice Cellar (to store food)
cheat giveitemnum 898 1 1 0 Scoba Potion
cheat giveitemnum 899 1 1 0 Power Potion
cheat giveitemnum 900 1 1 0 Swiftness Potion
cheat giveitemnum 901 1 1 0 Load Potion (to Carry more Items)
cheat giveitemnum 902 1 1 0 Craftsman Potion (More craft speed)
cheat giveitemnum 909 1 1 0 Ice Spear
cheat giveitemnum 912 1 1 0 Windburnisher
cheat giveitemnum 913 1 1 0 Grass Cube
cheat giveitemnum 914 1 1 0 Catapult Turret
cheat giveitemnum 916 1 1 0 Clay Roof
cheat giveitemnum 917 1 1 0 Phiomia Hut
cheat giveitemnum 918 1 1 0 Magic Academy Bridge
cheat giveitemnum 919 1 1 0 Magic Academy Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 920 1 1 0 Magic Academy Gate
cheat giveitemnum 921 1 1 0 Magic Academy Fence
cheat giveitemnum 922 1 1 0 Magic Academy Floor
cheat giveitemnum 923 1 1 0 Magic Academy Stair
cheat giveitemnum 924 1 1 0 Magic Academy Roof
cheat giveitemnum 925 1 1 0 Magic Academy Stone Wall
cheat giveitemnum 926 1 1 0 Magic Academy Stone Window
cheat giveitemnum 942 1 1 0 Clay Cube
cheat giveitemnum 943 1 1 0 Coal Cube
cheat giveitemnum 957 1 1 0 Pressure Detector
cheat giveitemnum 958 1 1 0 Train Building Plataform
cheat giveitemnum 959 1 1 0 Y Track
cheat giveitemnum 960 1 1 0 Press detection Track
cheat giveitemnum 961 1 1 0 Cable Switch
cheat giveitemnum 962 1 1 0 Brazier
cheat giveitemnum 963 1 1 0 Monster Box
cheat giveitemnum 964 1 1 0 Chest (???)
cheat giveitemnum 967 1 1 0 Fruit Display Stand
cheat giveitemnum 968 1 1 0 Magic Berry
cheat giveitemnum 971 1 1 0 Gun Display Stand
cheat giveitemnum 972 1 1 0 Spear Display Stand
cheat giveitemnum 974 1 1 0 Fertilizer
cheat giveitemnum 975 1 1 0 Weapon Rack
cheat giveitemnum 976 1 1 0 Sword Display Stand
cheat giveitemnum 977 1 1 0 Bamboo roof
cheat giveitemnum 978 1 1 0 Glass Fence
cheat giveitemnum 979 1 1 0 Glass roof
cheat giveitemnum 980 1 1 0 Marble Door
cheat giveitemnum 981 1 1 0 Marble Window
cheat giveitemnum 982 1 1 0 Clay Window
cheat giveitemnum 983 1 1 0 Magic Wood Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 984 1 1 0 Magic Wood Beast Gate
cheat giveitemnum 985 1 1 0 Magic Wood Behemoth Gate
cheat giveitemnum 986 1 1 0 Magic Wood Hatch
cheat giveitemnum 989 1 1 0 Costume Display Hack
cheat giveitemnum 990 1 1 0 Glass Window
cheat giveitemnum 991 1 1 0 Magic Academy Bed
cheat giveitemnum 992 1 1 0 Magic Academy Chair
cheat giveitemnum 993 1 1 0 Magic Academy Storage BOX
cheat giveitemnum 994 1 1 0 Magic Academy CTable
cheat giveitemnum 995 1 1 0 Clay Door
cheat giveitemnum 1004 1 1 0 Executive Style Bridge
cheat giveitemnum 1005 1 1 0 Executive Style Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 1006 1 1 0 Executive Style Door
cheat giveitemnum 1007 1 1 0 Executive Style Fence
cheat giveitemnum 1008 1 1 0 Executive Style Floor
cheat giveitemnum 1009 1 1 0 Executive Style Roof
cheat giveitemnum 1010 1 1 0 Executive Style Step
cheat giveitemnum 1011 1 1 0 Executive Style Wall
cheat giveitemnum 1012 1 1 0 Executive Style Window
cheat giveitemnum 1044 1 1 0 Copper Bone Sword
cheat giveitemnum 1045 1 1 0 Iron Bone Sword
cheat giveitemnum 1046 1 1 0 Steel Sword
cheat giveitemnum 1047 1 1 0 Steel Bone Sword
cheat giveitemnum 1048 1 1 0 Steel Magic Sword (Test)
cheat giveitemnum 1049 1 1 0 Copper Bone Boots
cheat giveitemnum 1050 1 1 0 Copper Bone Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 1051 1 1 0 Copper Bone Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 1052 1 1 0 Cooper Bone Pants
cheat giveitemnum 1053 1 1 0 Cooper Bone Shirt
cheat giveitemnum 1054 1 1 0 Iron Bone Boots
cheat giveitemnum 1055 1 1 0 Iron Bone Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 1056 1 1 0 Iron Bone Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 1057 1 1 0 Iron Bone Pants
cheat giveitemnum 1058 1 1 0 Iron Bone Shirt
cheat giveitemnum 1059 1 1 0 Steel Bone Boots
cheat giveitemnum 1060 1 1 0 Steel Bone Gloves
cheat giveitemnum 1061 1 1 0 Steel Bone Helmet
cheat giveitemnum 1062 1 1 0 Steel Bone Pants
cheat giveitemnum 1063 1 1 0 Steel Bone Shirt
cheat giveitemnum 1064 1 1 0 Cryolite Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 1065 1 1 0 Cryolite Door
cheat giveitemnum 1066 1 1 0 Cryolite Fence
cheat giveitemnum 1067 1 1 0 Cryolite Floorte
cheat giveitemnum 1068 1 1 0 Cryolite Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 1069 1 1 0 Cryolite Roof
cheat giveitemnum 1070 1 1 0 Cryolite Step
cheat giveitemnum 1071 1 1 0 Cryolite Wall
cheat giveitemnum 1072 1 1 0 Cryolite Window
cheat giveitemnum 1073 1 1 0 Dark Wood Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 1074 1 1 0 Dark Wood Door
cheat giveitemnum 1075 1 1 0 Dark Woof Fence
cheat giveitemnum 1076 1 1 0 Dark Wood Floor
cheat giveitemnum 1077 1 1 0 Dark Wood Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 1078 1 1 0 Dark wood Roof
cheat giveitemnum 1079 1 1 0 Dark Wood Step
cheat giveitemnum 1080 1 1 0 Dark Wood Wall
cheat giveitemnum 1081 1 1 0 Dark Wood Window
cheat giveitemnum 1082 1 1 0 Flash Rock Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 1083 1 1 0 Flash Rock Door
cheat giveitemnum 1084 1 1 0 Flash Rock Fence
cheat giveitemnum 1085 1 1 0 Flash Rock Floor
cheat giveitemnum 1086 1 1 0 Flash Rock Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 1087 1 1 0 Flash Roch Roof
cheat giveitemnum 1088 1 1 0 Flash Rock Step
cheat giveitemnum 1089 1 1 0 Flash Rock Wall
cheat giveitemnum 1090 1 1 0 Flash Rock Window
cheat giveitemnum 1091 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 1092 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Door
cheat giveitemnum 1093 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Fence
cheat giveitemnum 1094 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Floor
cheat giveitemnum 1095 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 1096 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Roof
cheat giveitemnum 1097 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Step
cheat giveitemnum 1098 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Wall
cheat giveitemnum 1099 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Window
cheat giveitemnum 1100 1 1 0 Crystal Ceiling
cheat giveitemnum 1101 1 1 0 Crystal Door
cheat giveitemnum 1102 1 1 0 Crystal Fence
cheat giveitemnum 1103 1 1 0 Crystal Floor
cheat giveitemnum 1104 1 1 0 Crystal Ladder
cheat giveitemnum 1105 1 1 0 Crystal Roof
cheat giveitemnum 1106 1 1 0 Crystal Step
cheat giveitemnum 1107 1 1 0 Crystal Wall
cheat giveitemnum 1108 1 1 0 Crystal Window
cheat giveitemnum 1150 1 1 0 Sea Crystal
cheat giveitemnum 1192 1 1 0 Pistol Ammo
cheat giveitemnum 1200 1 1 0 Privilege Marker
cheat giveitemnum 1204 1 1 0 Flower Pot
cheat giveitemnum 1212 1 1 0 Standard Assault Rifle
cheat giveitemnum 1277 1 1 0 Cryolite Bed
cheat giveitemnum 1278 1 1 0 Cryolite Chair
cheat giveitemnum 1279 1 1 0 Cryolite Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 1280 1 1 0 Cryolite Table
cheat giveitemnum 1281 1 1 0 Dark Wood Bed
cheat giveitemnum 1282 1 1 0 Dark wood Chair
cheat giveitemnum 1283 1 1 0 Dark Wood Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 1284 1 1 0 Dark wood Table
cheat giveitemnum 1285 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Bed
cheat giveitemnum 1286 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Chair
cheat giveitemnum 1287 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 1288 1 1 0 Volcanic Rock Table
cheat giveitemnum 1289 1 1 0 Flash rock Bed
cheat giveitemnum 1290 1 1 0 Flash Rock Chair
cheat giveitemnum 1291 1 1 0 Flash Rock Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 1292 1 1 0 Flash Rock Table
cheat giveitemnum 1293 1 1 0 Sea Crystal Bed
cheat giveitemnum 1295 1 1 0 Sea Crystal Chair
cheat giveitemnum 1296 1 1 0 Sea Crystal Storage Box
cheat giveitemnum 1297 1 1 0 Sea Crystal Table
cheat giveitemnum 1315 1 1 0 Industrial Smelter
cheat giveitemnum 1316 1 1 0 Tempered Glass
cheat giveitemnum 1330 1 1 0 Privilege Certificate
cheat giveitemnum 1335 1 1 0 Privilege Marker lv2
cheat giveitemnum 1336 1 1 0 Privilege Marker lv3


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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