Planet Zoo Cheats - Magic Game World

Planet Zoo Cheats

Planet Zoo Cheats

How to walk around in the park as if you were a guest (Cheat Code)

Have you ever wanted to walk around in your zoological park just like if you were a guest in it in Planet Zoo? While this is not something that is readily available in the game, it’s actually possible to do this by using a “cheat code”. Cheat codes in Planet Zoo work by having you rename a staff member, and their name is the cheat you want to use.


So if you want to just lock down the camera and walk around in the park as a guest, rename any staff member to “tegidcam“, save their name change, and you are ready to go! Just change their name back again to something else when you are done with this new perspective of your zoo.



Sandbox Mode

You can make animals immortal in sandbox mode. As someone who has accidentally allowed animals to starve to death, contract diseases, and sustains horrible injuries, let me tell you: it’s heartbreaking. If you play on sandbox mode you can turn all that off. Obviously, it’s not realistic, but it might make you happier. And while your human staff members don’t age and die, they do sometimes quit. You can turn that off too, and force them to work for eternity in your immortal, undying zoo.



Some Useful tips and tricks regarding how to maintain your zoo

  • Security & Caretakers: If you’re trying to increase your profits, it’s worth setting both of these staff to patrol heavy-traffic areas. When vandalism and rubbish occur, guests become extremely unhappy.


  • Educational Speakers: When you place down educational speakers (which the guests love) you’ll notice a heatmap. You’ll want to place speakers down in blue areas rather than red. If your speakers overlap, guest’s happiness will drop very quickly.


  • Solar Panels: You can place these all-around your zoo. Guests don’t object to seeing them like they do with staff buildings. Also as an added bonus, they don’t cost any maintenance.


  • Water Purifiers: These keep lakes and areas of water clean. This will remove the “cleanliness from last water source” debuff that you may have seen.


  • Guest Facilities: Don’t build any drink shops until you have at least 300+ guests. Food shops should be around 500+ guests, balloon stores 800+, and information stands at 1000+ guests.


  • Water Requirements: Some animals like the Nile Monitor require a water source. The requirements are by the square meter (quantity, not surface area). This means you can save money and space by building down into the ground. As long as there is a slope for them to get out, it doesn’t matter how deep the pool is.


  • Enrichment Toys: Whilst these are designed for the animals, they’re also designed for guests too. If you place enrichment toys and feeders close to the glass, your animals will move closer to the guests. This means guests will be happier and make bigger donations.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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