Pocket Bravery Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad) - Magic Game World

Pocket Bravery Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)

Pocket Bravery Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)

Missing those classic Street Fighter moves or the excitement of Fatal Fury? Pocket Bravery just came out, and it’s gonna rekindle your fighting spirit! Picture fighters unleashing fiery attacks, a unique combat system with elemental powers, and a roster of 12 characters ready to throw down. Whether you’re a seasoned fighter or a curious newcomer, Pocket Bravery welcomes you to join the brawl!


This guide is your go-to helper, showing you how to play on keyboard and controller. There’s also a video that shows all the other options you can change to make your Pocket Bravery experience just how you like it.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls

  • Up: W


  • Down: S


  • Left: A


  • Right: D


  • Light Punch: U


  • Heavy Punch: I


  • Light Kick: J


  • Heavy Kick: K


  • Select: Space


  • Start: Escape


  • Grab: None


  • 2 Punches: None


  • Breaker: None


  • 2 Kicks: None



Xbox Controller Bindings

  • Up: ↑ (Up Arrow)


  • Down: ↓ (Down Arrow)


  • Left: ← (Left Arrow)


  • Right: → (Right Arrow)


  • Light Punch: X


  • Heavy Punch: Y


  • Light Kick: A


  • Heavy Kick: B


  • Select: View Button


  • Start: Menu Button


  • Grab: LB


  • 2 Punches: RB


  • Breaker: LT (Left Trigger)


  • 2 Kicks: RT (Right Trigger)


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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