Pokemon Moon and Sun Z-Crystal Locations Guide - Magic Game World

Pokemon Moon and Sun Z-Crystal Locations Guide


Search the indicated location to get the corresponding Z-Crystal. Z-Crystals are required to use Z-Moves. There are a total of 18 Z-Moves, one for each type, and specific Z-Moves that only certain Pokemon can use. Z-Moves can only be used when a Pokemon and a trainer have a Z-Crystal, and after earning the Z-Ring at a certain point in the adventure.


Buginium Z (Bug type): It can be found in Guzma’s chest in the Shady House on Ula’ula Island.


Decidium Z (Decidueye only – Spirit Shackle): It can be found in Malie Garden (part of Malie City) on Route 1 on Melmele Island.


Flyinium Z (Flying type): Go to Ten Karat Hill (ride Tauros to break small boulders from town) and locate the shortcut to you hometown. In the lower-left corner of the cave is a large light-colored boulder. Push the boulder with Machamp Shove to open the path.


Groundium Z (Ground type): In the cave in Vast Poni Island on Poni Island, make these turns at the forks in the road: north, east, south to reach it.


Incinium Z (Incineroar only – Darkest Lariat): It can be found in Malie Garden (part of Malie City) on Route 1 on Melmele Island.


Icium Z (Ice type): Starting from Tapu Village on Ula’ula Island, take the large lift north of the Pokemon Center up to Mount Lanakila. Enter the cave at the top. In the cave, take these turns at the forks in the road: north, east, south to reach it.


Normalium Z (Normal type): Successfully complete Ilima’s Island Trial in Verdant Cavern on Melemele Island.


Pikanium Z (Pikachu only – Volt Tackle): Obtain it from the Pikachu trainer north of the Pokemon Center in Konikoni City. Look for the woman with three Pikachu near the cliff.


Primarium Z (Primarina only – Sparkling Aria): It can be found in Malie Garden (part of Malie City) on Route 1 on Melmele Island.


Psychium Z (Psychic type): Go to Haina Desert near Tapu Village on Ula’ula Island; the mini-map will not help. Follow these directions: 2, 1, North, 4. Check the stones for path directions. Cross the mud path with Mudsdale Gallop. It can be found in the last area you enter.


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