Potions and Reagents - Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor - Magic Game World

Potions and Reagents – Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor


Potions in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor are more than just quick health fixes. They are a crucial part of your toolkit, bolstering your party’s effectiveness with a versatile range of applications. They can enhance your magic wands and clear annoying status conditions. Additionally, they can bolster your combat stats, as well as tweak your attributes and resistances, either temporarily or permanently.



Brewing Your Own Potions

Buying or finding potions is one thing, but did you know you can make your own? That’s where the real fun begins! Just follow these steps:


  • Begin by opening a character’s backpack.


  • Grab a reagent.


  • Drag the reagent over to an empty potion bottle, and give it a right-click.


  • If you have characters skilled in Alchemy, they can take these basic potions and combine them to create something more complex.



The Five Types of Potions

Here’s a rundown of the different types of potions you’ll come across in the game:


  • Simple Potions: The DIY kind. Any character can mix these up using a reagent.


  • Complex Potions: Made by blending two simple potions together.


  • Compound (Layered) Potions: The result of mixing a simple and a complex potion.


  • White Potions: Made by combining compound potions and lesser ones.


  • Black Potions: The big leagues. These are mixed up from white and lesser potions.



All Potions in Might and Magic VII

Potion Name




Cure Wounds Simple Reagent + Empty Potion Bottle Heals 10 plus the potion strength Hit Points
Magic Potion Simple Reagent + Empty Potion Boccie Restores 10 plus the potion strength Spell Points
Cure Weakness Simple Regent + Empty Potion Boccie Cures Weakness
Cure Disease Simple Regent + Empty Potion Boccie Cures Disease
Cure Poison Purpl.e Cures Poison
Awaken Green Removes Asleep condition
Haste Compound Red + Orange Grants Haste (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength
Heroism Compound Red + Purple Grants Heroism (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion crength
Bless Compound Red + Green Grants Bless (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength
Preservation Compound Blue + Orange Grants Preservation (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength
Shield Compound Blue + Purple Grants Shield (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength
Recharge Item Compound Blue + Green Grants Recharge Item (as the spell). The item permanently loses 70 percent-point of potion strength of its charges. To use, pick the potion up and right-click over an item with charges.
Stoneskin Compound Yellow + Orange Grants Stoneskin (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength
Water Breathing Compound Yellow + Purple Prevents drowning damage
Harden Item Compound Yellow + Green Increases an item’s toughness, making it more resistant to breaking. To use, pick the potion up and right-click over an item.
Remove Fear Compound Orange + Purple Cures Fear
Remove Curse Compound Purple + Green Cures Curse
Cure Insanity Compound Orange + Green Cures Insanity
Divine Cure White Red and Orange Layered + Yellow and Orange Layered Heals five times the potion’s strength of hit points
Divine Power White Blue and Green Layered + Yellow and Green Layered Restores five times the potion’s strength of spell points
Luck Boost White Red and Purple Layered + Blue and Purple Layered Increases temporary Luck by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Fire Resistance White Red and Orange Layered + Yellow and Green Layered Increases temporary Fire resistance by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Air Resistance White Red and Orange Layered + Blue and Purple Layered Increases temporary Air resistance by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Water Resistance White Blue and Purple Layered + Yellow and Green Layered Increases temporary Water resistance by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Earth Resistance White Red and Purple Layered + Yellow and Green Layered Increases temporary Earth resistance by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Mind Resistance White Red and Purple Layered + Blue and Green Layered, or Orange + Yellow and Green Layered Increases temporary Mind resistance by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Body Resistance White Blue and Green Layered + Yellow and Orange Layered Increases temporary Body resistance by three times the strength of the potion for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Stone to Flesh Black Red and Purple Layered + Cure Paralysis (White) Cures Stoned condition
Slaying Potion Black Blue and Purple Layered + Flaming Potion (White) Adds “of Dragon Slaying” to a non-magic weapon for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion
Pure Luck Black Purple + Red and Purple Layered Adds 50 to permanent Luck
Pure Speed Black Green + Yellow and Green Layered Adds 50 to permanent Speed
Pure Intellect Black Green + Blue and Green Layered Adds 50 to permanent Intellect
Pure Endurance Black Green + Red and Orange Layered, or Purple + Yellow and Orange Layered Adds 50 to permanent Endurance
Pure Personality Black Purple + Personality Boost (White) Adds 50 to permanent Personality
Pure Accuracy Black Green Potion + Accuracy Boost (White) Adds 50 to permanent Accuracy
Pure Might Black Orange + Might Boost (White) Adds 50 to permanent Might
Rejuvenation Black Divine Restoration (White) + (Red and Green Layered, Blue and Orange Layered, or Yellow and Purple Layered) Removes all unnatural aging.



The Power of Potions

Each potion comes with a power rating, determining its potency. This power is locked in at the moment of mixing. For simple potions, the power comes from the reagent used. For the others, it’s the average power of the two potions you mixed. Characters with Alchemy skills get a bonus, as they add their skill level to the power of the simple potions they make, too.



Boosting Potion Power with Catalysts

Catalysts are an interesting type of simple potion. They can give a power boost to other potions. If your character knows a bit of Alchemy, they can mix catalysts with potions of any kind. Exercise caution! Ensure the catalyst is more potent than the potion you’re mixing it with, or you risk ending up with a weakened potion instead of a strengthened one.




Reagent Name


Widowsweep Berries Red
Crushed Rose Petals Red
Vial of Troll Blood Red
Ruby Red
Dragon’s Eye Red
Phima Root Blue
Meteorice Fragment Blue
Harpy Feather Blue
Moonscone Blue
Elvish Toadstool Blue
Poppysnaps Yellow
Fae Dust Yellow
Sulfur Yellow
Garnet Yellow
Vial of Devil Ichor Yellow
Mushroom Catalyst Yellow
Obsidian Catalyst Purple
Vial of Ooze Endoplasm Purple
Mercury Purple
Philosopher’s Stone Purple


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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