Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Boar - Magic Game World

Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Boar

Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Boar

SIGILS: Chest. Rear Leg (Left), Shoulder (Right), Top of Head






“The Boar” is found deep within a cave that you’ll need to use a Grappling Hook to access. Approach the massive stone door at the entrance and stand on the pressure plate to open it, enter through the opening and continue through into the large and open cave. You’ll reach an area with another pressure plate which activates two counter-weights, which also open the gate on the other side of an abyss. You’ll need to grapple onto the top of one of these counter-weights whilst it is high up and the gate is still open, then use the Sail Cloth to travel under the gate, once you do, a cutscene will play and the boss battle will begin.


The Boar will move around the arena, either attempting to trample you or rear up on its hind legs and stomp you into the dust. It will also roar periodicially, shaking the arena and dislodging icicles from the ceiling. These will be telegraphed by a small shaft of light before they impact the ground, dealing a large amount of damage if they hit you directly, or simply knocking you down if you are too close. Of note in the arena is an Ornate Bow and three Explosive Arrows left up high on the surrounding walls of the arena, near the furthest lit up pressure plate, these will be no help against the Boar itself, but may come in handy fighting other enemies in the outside wilderness.


Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Boar


To get onto the Boar itself to attack its Sigils, you will need to run to the large stone objects at either side of its massive arena. Both of these have a pressure plate in front of them, these are visually identical to the one that you used to stun The Tower boss, previously. Standing on the pressure plates will cause the Boar to get in position to charge. About half way into this charge, the Boar will be locked into it, at this point you will want to run off of the pressure plate and roll away to avoid being hit by the Boar’s charge, as this will deal a lot of damage and leave you ragdolled, reducing the amount of time you have to get onto the Boar itself.


Once the boar has fallen, you can climb onto it, shortly after which it will get back up. You should try and climb to the top or side of the Boar as fast as you can, as you will not be able to climb or move on its belly/chest whilst it is upright, as you cannot climb whilst completely upside-down.


Once you are climbing on the Boar itself, it will not offer a great deal in terms of resistance and will only attempt to shake you off for a short time after each attack on a Sigil. You climbed onto the Boar from its left side, so you’ll want to first climb along its left side to its rear left leg, where you can find and attack the first Sigil. The next Sigil can be found on its front right shoulder, to get there you’ll need to travel over the top of the Boar. This is a decently safe place to stand and recover your stamina before climbing down onto its other side. Make your way to its front right shoulder and attack the Sigil there three times, once you’ve done this, drop off of the Boar and repeat the same actions as earlier to get it to charge at you. Every time the Boar is knocked down like this, you will get a chance to attack the Sigil on its chest a single time, after which it will hastily stand up.


You will need to repeat baiting out the Boar’s charging attack until all of the pressure plate structures have shattered. Once they are, the glowing cracked bone at the top of the Boar’s skull will have been shattered by the impact, causing it to go into a rage as a short cutscene plays. After this cutscene, the Boar will be running around the arena much more aggressively than before, and the icicles will be falling from the ceiling continuously.


In its more aggressive state, you need only stand on the area of the shattered pressure plate to bait the Boar into a charge, do this and you will once again be able to either climb onto it to attack the newly revealed Sigil on its head, or attack the one on its chest. Once you have attacked all of the Boar’s four sigils three times each, it will be defeated and a cutscene will play.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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