Praey for the Gods - How to Beat The Crowdragon - Magic Game World

Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Crowdragon

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How to Beat The Crowdragon

SIGILS: Tail, Chest, Left Wing, Right Wing

GRAPPLE POINTS: Tail x2, Chest



The Crowdragon will dramatically make its entrance as you enter its arena, flying high up in the sky. Once you regain control of your character, you’ll be able to explore the huge arena that you find yourself in.There are three circular structures to be found here, two of which are fully raised up when you start the battle. Be careful as you move around the arena and try to spend as much time as you can in the air and gliding to each location, as there are many enemies which will attack you if you get too close to the areas in which they are hidden, including Wraiths and groups of Ice Soldiers. The Crowdragon itself will also attack you periodically by flying overhead and spewing out explosive fireballs. Watch for the glow on the ground to avoid where they will impact, be especially careful when fighting other enemies that you aren’t hit by the Crowdragon’s attacks!



To get onto the Crowdragon, you’ll need to climb up both of these and attack the Sigil at the top of each three times, once you have done this, the main structure will be raised up and have the Magical Fire lit at several points. Stand on the tallest point of the structure and ready your Bow, light the arrow with the Magical Fire, and aim up at the Crowdragon. It will dive towards you and charge up a highly damaging energy blast, before it does, you’ll need to fire the arrow at its head, it will explode in impressive fashion and bring the Crowdragon crashing down to the ground behind you. As soon as you can, jump down and run over to the fallen giant. The first Sigil you’ll want to attack is on the flat top of its tail. Jump onto it and you should be able to attack at least once before the Crowdragon manages to get back up. It will shake as it does, but will shortly take flight once again. If you are still on the ground as it does so, there are Grapple Points on both its tail and chest to still allow you to get onto it.


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Contrasting to much of the other bosses that you’ve defeated up to this point, the Crowdragon will not actively try to shake you off of it, but you will still need to tap [RMB] to cling on as the sheer movement and flapping of its wings will force you to hang on tighter. Once in flight, you can attack the sigil on its tail the remaining amount of times needed, then you will be able to continue to climb up the length of its tail and upwards to its body. You wont need to hang onto the Crowdragon whilst traversing it all the time, as there are many instances where the area you need to be walking on will be flat enough for you to just walk, allowing you to regain your stamina as you do so, which is highly recommended: don’t sprint! There is a second Sigil located on the chest of the Crowdragon, it can be accessed whenever the creature is flying on its side, as you can’t climb whilst directly upside-down, though ignore it for now, as there is an easier way of getting to it. Continue onwards to its back. The remaining two Sigils are found on either wing of the creature, and are the most difficult ones to get to, as you will have to hold on tight whenever it flaps its wings – which is frequently.



If you are beginning to seriously run out of stamina whilst climbing on the Crowdragon and wont be able to let go and walk on it, make sure to jump off of it before your stamina completely expires, as you will need to use your Sail Cloth to glide down to the ground, at least when nearing it, so you dont take a huge amount of fall damage. You’ll want to do this after attacking both of the Sigils on its wings three times, as the one on its chest can be a pain to get to. Use the Magic Fire to knock the Crowdragon out of the sky again, and run past the tail to its body further along. It will get itself back up, shortly after which it will once again take flight. As it does this, use your Grappling Hook on the Grapple Point located on its underside, which will leave you right next to the final Sigil. As it takes flight, you will be left upside-down, so will need to hang on tight until the Crowdragon flies on its side as it turns. When it does this you are free to climb and attack the final Sigil.



Once you have done this, the Crowdragon will fall to the ground, defeated. Assuming you have defeated all five bosses in order as well, this will also be the end of your “story” in the current Early Access version of Praey for the Gods. You can still explore the wilderness after this, and complete any puzzles that you might have left over!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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