Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Tower - Magic Game World

Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Tower

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How to Beat The Tower

SIGILS: All located around the middle of the Tower’s visible body

GRAPPLE POINTS: Several around the middle of its body, can be used to reduce climbing time from the various points of the Tower’s body that are safe to stand on when it is immobile.




Once you enter its arena, “The Tower” will dramatically surface from the lake, be ready to run as soon as control is given back to you, as whilst it is immobile, it will frequently fire off energy blasts at you. These blasts are highly damaging and move very quickly, but dont track once they have been fired, so you should be able to avoid them if sprinting/dodging directly away once it is fired. You can see when you are being targeted when the light shining from the Tower’s mouth is shining on you.



Sometimes the Tower will also spin its head around in a circle, spewing out a putrid-looking black fog, which also spawns many small blue orbs that travel towards your position. They will damage you on contact, so try to keep away from them. There is only really one way to get up onto the Tower and defeat it. You have to run around the circular arena and step on three pressure plates to raise several orbs from the ground. Keep still on the pressure plate and the Tower will fire at you, directly hitting and lighting up the orb that you just raised. Do this for all three orbs around the arena, and you will be able to activate the large pressure plate at the back of the arena, with will briefly stun the Tower, causing it to fall down with its mouth in the water.



Use your Sail Cloth to try and glide over as much of the freezing cold water as you can, then swim over to the Tower. You can climb up onto it here, and as you do it will raise back up into the air, allowing you to climb down and reach its three sigils. They are moslty around the middle area of The Tower and are not hard to find, if you have trouble, jump down onto the protruding spike-platforms (which you can stand on, allowing you to restore your stamina), you can usually see the sigils from these platforms. The Tower will shake periodically as you climb it, and will shake every time you attack a sigil. It can still perform its black fog attack whilst you are climbing on it, and the blue orbs will float down towards you and stick to its fur, which can be a hazard whilst climbing. If one is coming towards you, either drop down to a lower platform or leap forwards away from it to avoid taking the damage.



Once you have attacked all three sigils three times each, the Tower will be defeated and a cutscene will play, after which you will be taken back to the Temple.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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