Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Yeti - Magic Game World

Praey for the Gods – How to Beat The Yeti

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How to Beat The Crowdragon

SIGILS: Top of Head, Arm (Left), Arm (Right)

GRAPPLE POINTS: Upper Back (Left)

ITEMS REQUIRED: None – Bow, Wooden Arrows and Grappling Hook highly recommended



When you approach its arena, the Yeti will crash through the massive stone structure to the left, sending rubble and particle effects flying, and throwing you right into the battle. There are a lot of ways to get onto the Yeti. The most difficult way to do this is to bait out its fist slam attack, in which it will brings its fist down hard onto the ground, creating a highly damaging area-of-effect shockwave. If you position yourself just right to avoid the damage, it is possible to grab onto its arm and climb up it from there, but is extremely difficult to do so as it will only remain close to the ground for about a second, because of how damaging the attack itself is, this isn’t really the best way to go about getting onto the boss. The Yeti also has a Grapple Point on its left shoulder that you can grapple to if you manage to get up on a tall enough stone structure before it is destroyed by the boss.


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The safest and most reliable way to get onto the boss is to lead it to the deep snow that borders the arena, and bait out its stomp attack. Lead it onto the deep snow and when it is a good way into it, you’ll want to run around its feed to tempt it into performing this attack, be careful though, as the force of its feet impacting the ground as it moves is enough to knock you down or damage you if you are too close. Once the Yeti stomps on the deep snow, its foot will sink down into it for a moment, allowing you to reach the climbable area on the back of its leg. Ensure you have a good amount of stamina, then jump up onto this and climb up towards the base of its back. There is a rocky protrusion there that you can stand on to regain stamina, but you won’t be able to stand there for long or climb up its back, as it will reach behind itself and grab you between its fingers. Don’t worry though, as long as you have a Bow and a few arrows – this is exactly what we want to happen. The Yeti will hold you up high above it and open its mouth ready to drop and swallow you whole. You can equip and use your bow from this position, with this you’ll want to aim for either one of its glowing orange eyes and fire an arrow into it, doing so will cause the Yeti to reel in pain for a moment and drop you, landing you onto its back. If you don’t manage to hit it in the eye however, you will be killed instantly as it drops you into its mouth, devoured whole.



From here, you are in a great position to go and attack the Sigil positioned on the top of the Yeti’s head. This is a fairly simple one to attack, and the Yeti will attempt to shake you off each time you do so. Once you’ve attacked it three times, you can stand on the Yeti’s shoulders to regain your stamina (use the Grapple Point on its left shoulder to get back on should you fall), before moving down to each of its arms, where the final two Sigils are located. Be careful though, because the Yeti has an extremely damaging attack that will kill you outright if you are caught by it when climbing its arms. If you stay on its arm for too long, it will raise its other arm above you before swatting you after a few moments. The only way to avoid this is to get off of the arm and to safety, or to attack the Sigil once, which should only be attempted if you are there just before or as it begins the attack animation – otherwise you will not have enough time to attack the Sigil before you are splatted. If you manage to attack the Sigil, the Yeti will be staggered and try to shake you off, cancelling its attack.



Once you have attacked the Sigils on both of its arms, you will have defeated the Yeti and a cutscene will play, before you are transported back to the Temple.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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