Project: Battle - Quick Tips - Magic Game World

Project: Battle – Quick Tips

94FE58E8 3AD0 4A9A B314 0CFC357D2ACA

1) Land in a less-crowded place.

2) Grab the loot in the early moments; armor, best guns, and medi-packs.


3) In the last moments, using the cube, you can create a large shield and protect yourself from the enemy. But since the cube is in limited quantity, you have to obtain it; just find crates and obtain this crafting material.


4) Don’t use the cube at the beginning of the game.


5) Find a Vehicle.

There are two benefits of having a vehicle;

-You can easily kill enemies.

-You can move to the safe zone fast.

That’s why you should find a vehicle. But in the last moments, it would be better to exit the vehicle; because of:

The safe zone is too shrunk.

What if your enemy has created a tower using the cube? He can easily kill you from there. And while driving a vehicle, you can not access the gun or cube feature.


6) Keep yourself at the edge of the safe zone.


7) Hide behind the rocks, trees, and buildings.


8) In the last moments, create a tower using the cube and shoot your enemies from the top.


9) Always equip the best weapon in your hand.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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