Prospector PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts - Magic Game World

Prospector PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Prospector PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Prospector: The First Contract blends sci-fi, survival, and crafting into one cool package. Jacob Farny at Loonworks Games made this game. It drops you into a world where you collect stuff, set up bases, and run things on new planets. It’s easy to pick up, which is great for players who want excitement without spending ages playing. You could think of it as a laid-back way to check out space and make your own story kinda like Astroneer and Forager. This guide will show you all the key controls and shortcuts to help you start and make your space trip as easy as possible.



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PC Keyboard Controls & keybindings


  • Up: W


  • Left: A


  • Down: S


  • Right: D




  • Primary action: Right Mouse Button


  • Secondary action: F


  • Cancel / dismiss: Right Mouse Button


  • Shoot: Left Mouse Button


  • Previous slot: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Next slot: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Jetpack: Shift


  • Build: B


  • Craft: C


  • Inventory: I




  • Settings: ESC


  • Map: M


  • Recycle mode: G


  • Orders: T


  • Quick craft: E


  • Quick supply line: Spacebar


  • Drill mod: Spacebar


  • Toggle actions: Ctrl


  • Toggle item pickup: ALT


  • Toggle silo: R


  • Show / hide: Enter


  • Rotate: R


  • Quick save: F4



Control Scheme

Prospector PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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