Could you add quest items like the thunderstone?
Some of the commands ei. “Spawn HoverTanks” no longer work.
how do you activate special interactions between characters
Once the cheats are activated, you can press “CTRL+D” to double your army, or “CTRL+S” to get more skill points.
How can I add a population to a province using a command?
The codes only seem to work in the demo right now, but they’re already in the full game (just not…
i tryed it only in singleplayer ( full version not the demo )
Confirmed. Only works on demo version. On full version it says “cheats are disabled in non-modded games”
Maybe you tried those in online mode? It might require admin rights. It seems to work in single-player mode, though.
Interesting… It worked for me and still does. You can check out the video to see the level-up cheat in…
its not working it just says “cheats are disabled in non-modded games” tryed it with e_cheats 1 and e_cheats “1”…
Text might take a couple pages, but there are two small images with the controls. Just copy them into Paint,…
Put them all on one printable page!
59, top that 😌
Great game but cannot find code for lab door
The game supports Xbox controllers, so just plug it in or connect via Bluetooth, and it should work without any…
HOW to play with a controller ?
hello, to everyone seeing this, i would like to know if it’s possible to change the keybords controls of this…
I input setpc and then Usage: setpc (cinderella/vanessa/snowwhite/eireen) show up,and what is the next step?
how do you “setpc” the character model im trying to change it.
Change mouse controls for left handed people. Homeworld 3
To set the C4, just head to the spot where it’s marked, look for the icon, and press E to…
r el C4 como preciono en el teclado para activarme pueden ayudar (How do I activate the C4, which key…
What is the building production wheelbarrow button for
Turn your keyboard 45° left, tap “I” with one hand, and swipe a fidget spinner or the edge of your…
mortal kombat pc test your might control key
That really sucks! It’s a bummer that the bug is still around. Getting stuck right when you’re about to finish…
Obviously still not fixed this bug. I have got stuck multiple times in different locations now. I just sucks to…
Useless, we can see the controls in game. What I cannot find is a map hotkey for keyboard/mouse, I don’t…
Sadly, the game crashes after injection : /
Can’t use CTRL F on this.
Why isn’t the permanently unlock everything cheat working?
I cant enjoy the game bro it force me to play master league with only 2 competitions I tried too…
You can grab it for free on Steam here:
How do I download this
Hi. Can you try: $HOME/.config/unity3d/Owlcat Games/Pathfinder Kingmaker/Saved Games
This is only the save gave locations if you are running windows. Many of us make better choices. 🙂 If…
I cannot remember the control for placing shelves in different heights and hanging multiple pictures on the wall. There was…
Same With me, Doesn’t Work. Keeps reloading checkpoint
you can’t switch up the keybindings at the moment, but it might be something we can do later on.
do you know if we can change the pc keyboard keys ? I’m used to play with the zqsd keys…
Spacebar & press 4
How to pull the straps down in pc
A much simpler solution is for one player to pull the red and yellow levers, and then for the other…
I can’t see MONEY
I tried this feature and found myself in an undeveloped environment with a city I could see across a river…
Got this game and after 45min of getting settings nowhere and trying to play the game i refunded it A.s.a.p…
how do u do that camand
thanks bro. this was a good mention. i didnt even know there is a blackjack table at that bar. sadly…
Hello guys can anyone tell me hiw to swith to custom section in pc?
I’m looking forward to finding a hunter class weapon trainer in my game.
Great tips! I’m going to try a few of them out.
PSA: timespeed # – does NOT work (command is not recognized). The one thing i was interested in…
How do you pause?
Its your fault. I don’t know if you guys hate others and like few of those written.
ending 5 for lin hu isnt working with ur guide
Followed all your instructions and now the game won’t use my PS5 controller as input anymore. That may be something…
Such games seem great, although their system requirements also become cosmic. These rooms need to buy new devices because something…
They say they can’t lift suspension
Hi I’m playing the WWE 2K23, and I’m new to the WWE games. Im playing it on PC, and I…
I run a RTX 4090 and an AMD Ryzen some number or other 64 gb of ram so you should…
I have the original game and its expansion pack in my collection of games. However, I am thrilled they have…
need help keeping myplayer from expring.
Hello, how to go to the settings section in the main menu with the keyboard on the game screen, no…
How do i unlock fire trucks
Are there any input cheat codes for pc Druidstone-The Secret of the Menhir Forest such as God, or instant heal?
Finally a good tips guide thanks a lot.
i cant get out of setting
How do you sub in my era? Can you resign as a gm and take another team? How can you…
Thank you! Very helpful guide.
How do you defend penalties with one Joy-Con ? Thank you.
Thanks guys! I finally reached challenger after reading this guide! Big thanks!
Why the Hell i had to Setup my whole PC to get my Mouse running right in a Game when…
to solve the save game error, just go to the game folder, look for the save folder. and erase everything…
I can’t edit, so an addition to my previous note. Idle in the AppData/Local/Temp, there I found two save files…
If you are playing offline, as I always do, there is no save file at all. Before a wave, the…
Thank you. I was looking for this for a while.
yep, godmode does not work
But some uses VPN cheat to quit in an online match
Thank you!!!!
This only work for one time. When u use this trick, and w i will chance the money again, it…
Did anyone fix this? I am from the future.
can i do this on the Switch version?
ID:35Kyrie Add me for ultimate team co-op missions
How do I get my images for my expansion team to stop disappears logos team jersey logos on court every…
Sickles work on Crimson ones now
I believe you need to complete the game without cheating first before you can enter in the codes.
When pluing as rookie it doesn’t work since triangle makes him grow bigger
Boo hoo nigga
will there be also new guide for new village? 🙂
I’m trying to play on nvidia geforce now, and it keeps on black screening, and nothing works.
Tilde ` key but you have to be an admin ingame.
A quick highway interchange can be made with roads available at the start of the game. The picture uses 4…
How on earth do you activate the console?
a c shadows i cant smash door down using shift +middle button lock and left for hard strike