Red Dead Online - Moonshiner Role Guide - Magic Game World

Red Dead Online – Moonshiner Role Guide

Red Dead Online Beginner's Guide - Top Tips for New Players in 2022


Moonshiners run underground businesses, illicitly distilling, marketing, and selling spirits for profit. To become a Moonshiner, you must first gain a reputation as a Trader. Alternatively, if you wish to skip the Trader Role, you may unlock the Moonshiner Role early with Gold Bars. You must then collect and read Cripps’ letter. Go to meet his contact, Maggie Fike, and purchase a Moonshine Shack from which to run your Moonshine Operation.


If you choose not to purchase a Moonshine Shack immediately, you can purchase one from the Player menu in the Camp & Properties section at any time. You can also use this menu to change the location of your Moonshine Shack for a fee and invite other players to your Moonshine Shack.


Be warned, Maggie has a past and is plotting her revenge. Speak to Maggie in your Moonshine Shack to launch these Moonshine Story Missions.




To cook moonshine, speak to Marcel in the basement of the Moonshine Shack. Here you can choose the strength of your moonshine and its flavoring. You can also view a list of potential buyers and see how much they’re willing to offer for your moonshine. When you decide to start a Sell Mission, keep an eye on the amount of damage your wagon and the moonshine inside is taking. Buyers will pay less if bottles are destroyed en route.


You may also speak to Maggie in order to decorate and upgrade your Moonshine Shack. From hiring a live band, to upgrading your stills, the changes you make can increase the quality of your moonshine or encourage larger crowds at the bar.




Lastly, Maggie offers Bootlegger Missions which will help reduce the cost of your moonshine production. From protecting buyers, sabotaging rival moonshiners and brawling in the local bars, she’ll always have something to keep you occupied.




As you rank up, you’ll receive Tokens that can be used to unlock new skills, activities, equipment, horses and clothing. In particular, Moonshiners can unlock new recipes to prepare for buyers. You can view these in the Progress section of the Pause menu.


To progress your career as a Moonshiner, gain experience by completing Moonshine Story Missions, Bootlegger Missions, and Sell Missions, and completing Daily Role Challenges. View and track your Daily Role Challenges in the Player menu.


Red Dead Online Beginner’s Guide – Top Tips for New Players in 2022


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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