Red Dead Redemption 2 – How to Cheat Guide - Magic Game World

Red Dead Redemption 2 – How to Cheat Guide

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How to Cheat

To actually use the cheat go to the Settings menu and you’ll see an option for Cheats at the bottom right hand side of the screen. Press Y or Triangle Button. Then Enter the Red Dead 2 Cheat Codes Below;



Note: The cheats include things like infinite ammo and a super strong horse but be aware that you can’t save the game while using a cheat and you won’t earn any Achievements or Trophies either. So have your fun and remember to turn them off after.



Cheat CodeEffect

Keep your dreams simple – Spawns a Wagon with one horse




You flourish before you die – Refills all bars for health, stamina, and deadeye




I shall be better – Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 3 (You can remain in deadeye after firing your weapon)




I seek and I find – Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 5 (You can remain in deadeye after firing your weapon)




Better than my dog – You can call your horse from any distance




Run! Run! Run! – Spawns a Race Horse




A fool on command – Instantly makes you drunk




Abundance is the dullest desire – Grants infinite ammo supply Requirement: Newspaper “New Hanover Gazette No. 27” (bought from Newspaper merchant in New Hanover Region)




Greed is American Virtue – Adds Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol weapons to your inventory. Requirement: Newspaper




You Long for Sight but See Nothing – Reveals Entire Map. Requirement: Newspaper




You Seek More Than The World Offers – Refill and Fortify all of your bars. Requirement: Newspaper




You are a beast built for war – Spawns a War Horse




Virtue Unearned is not virtue – Raises Honor Rating. Requirement: Newspaper




Would you be happier as a clown? – Spawns a Circus Wagon. Requirement: Newspaper


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