Republic of Pirates PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Republic of Pirates PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Republic of Pirates PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Here’s a quick and easy guide to all the keyboard controls and keybindings for Republic of Pirates on PC. We’ve also made a video that walks you through the game settings, including graphics, audio & display options. For more details, watch the video and explore the settings yourself.



All PC Settings



Gameplay Shortcuts

  • Quick save: Ctrl + S


  • Radial menu: Q


  • Tactical map: M


  • Quick select dock: B


  • Quick select shipyard: N


  • Quick select captain’s inn: T


  • Quick select ship: Space


  • Pause time: F1


  • Normal game speed: F2


  • Fast game speed: F3


  • Extra fast game speed: F4


  • Use ship skill: Ctrl + A



Camera Movement

  • Move camera up: W


  • Move camera down: S


  • Move camera left: A


  • Move camera right: D


  • Rotate camera left: .


  • Rotate camera right: /



Window Shortcuts

  • Diplomacy window: Tab


  • Quest window: I


  • Workers window: O


  • Production window: P



Building Tool Shortcuts

  • Dirt road: Z


  • Hut: X


  • Depot: V


  • Demolish tool: C


  • Upgrade tool: F



Building Panel Shortcuts

  • Infrastructure: G


  • Needs: H


  • Wants: J


  • Amenities: K


  • Construction: L


  • Seafaring: ;


  • Decorations:


  • Building 1: 1


  • Building 2: 2


  • Building 3: 3


  • Building 4: 4


  • Building 5: 5


  • Building 6: 6


  • Building 7: 7


  • Building 8: 8


  • Building 9: 9


  • Building 10: 0


  • Building 11:


  • Building 12: =


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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