Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Console Commands - Magic Game World

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Console Commands

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Console Commands

While at the main menu, press the F3 key to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate them.



Console Commands

Command        Description

switchlevel vnte-(name of the map you want to load)    Switching Maps. For Example, Open VNTE-CuChi, Open VNTE-HueCity


addbots 64      Add bots


setres        Set the resolution. Replace those numbers with your desired resolution. For Example setres 1920×1080


Resetstats “yoursteam ID goes here”        (It is case sensitive) (For Example) ( Resetstats “Relentless” )   This will Reset all stats including achievements, Rank, Cosmetics, and your other stats like KD.


Stat FPS 1 or Stat FPS 0       Enables/Disables the fps overlay


ToggleHUD      Hide HUD


Tiledshot 5       Makes hi-res tiled screenshot. Note: Screenshots are stored here:  C:\Users\*****\Documents\My Games\Rising Storm 2 Beta\ROGame\ScreenShots


BugIt      The ‘BugIt’ command is a useful console command that will take a screenshot of whatever is currently displayed on your screen and output 2 files: a BMP file and a text file. This can be used to quickly take screenshots of stuck locations, collision issues, and environmental issues encountered on maps. The text file will also record the player’s location on the map, so you do not worry about getting a picture identifying your location. The BugIt command does that for you! The BugIt command has an optional string parameter, “BugIt [ScreenShotDescription],” that will be used to name the screenshot if a string is provided when the command is invoked. If the optional string is not given, then the file name will use a timestamp appended at the end of the file names.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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