River City Girls 2 Cheats and Secrets - Magic Game World

River City Girls 2 Cheats and Secrets

River City Girls 2 Cheats and Secrets

All Secret Area Locations

In River City Girls 2, players can discover a total of eight Secret Areas scattered throughout the city, one in each region of the game. These areas can be accessed with the Interact button, similar to using a regular door. However, the Secret Areas don’t have a door icon to indicate their presence, so players need to keep an eye out for them.


Crosstown: To access the Secret Area in Crosstown, go to the Carousel and jump on the stage. Hold the attack button to enter.


Uptown: The Secret Area in Uptown can be found in the Pawn Shop located in the Toy District. Stand on the shelf in front of an open vent and press the attack button to enter.


Downtown: In Downtown, go to the Back Alley and look for a blue sofa on the right side of the road. Wall jump onto the wall in front, then jump backwards to reach the wire. Walk across the wire towards the left side and press the attack button once you reach the green door.


Flatirons: In Flatirons, head to the waterfall located below the campgrounds to the right of Flatirons. Walk behind the brighter-colored waterfall and jump right twice, then jump to the left side to find a secret platform. Press the attack button to enter.


Technos: To find the Secret Area in Technos, go to the VR Room located past the Bio-Sphere. Punch the cowboy next to the Cantina to obtain a key, then go to the outhouse located to the left of the Cantina and hold the attack button to enter.


River City High School: In the Solitary area at River City High School, stand outside the yellow door that opens and closes by itself and press the attack button as it opens.


Sanwakai Tower: In Sanwakai Tower, go to the Mao Sushi restaurant located in the middle of the area. To reach the second floor, stand on the conveyor belt and use the wall jump technique to propel yourself upward. Once you have successfully made it to the second floor, head to the left and jump onto the windowsill. Walk to the end of the windowsill to find a door.


Ocean Heights: To access the Secret Area in Ocean Heights, head to the Sand Castle and jump onto it. Punch the Castle door to enter.


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