River City Girls Cheats - Magic Game World

River City Girls Cheats

River City Girls Cheats


Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement.

*There are 13 secret achievements.



Shop until they drop?

Enter the Mall.



Bona fide bargain

Obtain an item from the Pawn Shop.



Master of Unlocking

Find the keys in the junkyard.



An Explosive Entrance

Enter the Penthouse.



Full Service

Destroy a vending machine.



River City Ransom

Collected $5000



Back at me!

Catch a boomerang.



Friendly Beatdown

Defeated an enemy by hitting them with another enemy.



Perfect Parry

Parry 10 enemy attacks.




Equip a new outfit.



Power Up

Reached Max Level.




That wasn’t very nice!



Don’t mess with us!

Complete the game in Co-Op.




Completed the game on Hard.




Reach 100% completion.



Secret Achievements

Your lessons are boring!

Attacked Mr. Rudis.



Killed by Math

Was defeated in detention.



Carpe diem

Defeated an enemy with a fish.



You’re out!

Catch a dodgeball thrown by your ally.



Help an Old Pal?

Completed all of Godai’s quests.



Smashed Statues

Destroyed all Sabu statues.



A Real Workout

K.O. Misuzu.



Defeating the Dark Arts

K.O. Yamada.



Fashionable Beatdown

K.O. Hibari.



A Bye Bye

K.O. Abobo.



So Metal

K.O. Noize.



Like Father Like Daughter

K.O. Sabuko.



O.M.G. Seriously?

K.O. the secret boss.



A New Challenger

Completed the game with a secret character.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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