Rogue: Genesia Beginner's Guide – Tips and Tricks to Get You Started - Magic Game World

Rogue: Genesia Beginner’s Guide – Tips and Tricks to Get You Started

Rogue: Genesia

So yeah, Rogue: Genesia… It’s been kicking my butt. Hard. Like, ‘controller-thrown-across-the-room’ hard, sometimes. In between the rage & the tears (mostly digital tears I swear), I think I’ve actually started to figure some stuff out… like, actual useful stuff. And since misery loves company, and also because I’m a nice person (mostly!), I thought I’d share 10 things that stopped me from being completely terrible at this game. Maybe they can help you too, you know, before you also yeet your controller into the nearest wall.



Damage Above All Else

When you’re just starting out, focus on establishing damage above all. Mobility & defense are good, but if you’re not able to kill enemies quickly, you’ll get overrun. Once you’ve established a foundation of damage, you can branch out from there.



Level 1 Upgrades Are Secretly OP

I didn’t know this at first, but those low-level 1 upgrades are positively enormous. Even if an item is “meh,” grab the upgrade. You’ll see nicer versions pop up more often later on.



Regional Items: Don’t Miss ‘Em

Each region offers something different, and you wouldn’t want to miss out. If you see something that looks good for your character -> take it. Some can only be obtained in certain locations so don’t be too slow.



Banish and Reroll: Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Cards

Love the upgrades you’re getting? Clean out the trash! It’s easier to sort out the good stuff. And don’t be afraid to reroll if you’re not getting what you need – these are critical to create the character that you desire…



Armor Penetration: It Makes a Difference, Big Time

Later on, you’ll be facing enemies with ridiculous armor. If you can’t kill that, then you’re not going anywhere. Look for penetration or armor-breaking upgrades. You’ll notice it makes a huge difference; especially against tougher villains.



Elite Fights: Choose Your Battles

Elite fights are nasty, but if you feel like you’re in the know, the payout is fantastic. You’ll get some seriously valuable upgrades; just don’t go in without a plan, though. Stay alive. Come back when you’re more powerful if you need to.



Item Trade-Offs: Read the Fine Print

Some really great items have trade-offs. Don’t choose something just because it’s awesome. Read the fine print! Huge damage may have a downside so make sure it works for your build without destroying your core plan.



Upgrade Your Gear: Get Free Power-Ups!

For real, upgrade your gear. I slept on this for too long. Upgrading unlocks some of the greatest upgrades in the game. It’s basically a free power boost so don’t skip it.



DPS First, Speed and Crit Second

Get that damage per second (DPS) up first. Next boost attack speed & critical hit rate. These two put you together like a damage machine. More attacks = more crits = more dead monsters. Next focus on other stats.



Survival: Stay Moving, Stay Alive

Damage is fine, but not death. Keep moving and dodge damage. If you cannot dodge everything, create some damage mitigation or healing in progress. Do not get caught in a corner -> be agile or resistant enough to take one hit. Surviving is half the battle.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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