Rule the Waves 3: A Guide to Gunnery and Torpedo Firing - Magic Game World

Rule the Waves 3: A Guide to Gunnery and Torpedo Firing


Gunnery Mechanics

In Rule The Waves 3, the effectiveness of your ship in combat largely depends on gunnery accuracy, which is influenced by various factors:


Technological Advancement: Your gunnery accuracy depends on your progress in fire control research. More sophisticated technology ensures better aiming capabilities.


Quality of Crew: Highly skilled crews contribute significantly to the precision of your shots. Make sure your crew is well-trained and experienced.


Type of Fire Control System: Different fire control systems offer varying levels of accuracy. Choose the right system for your ship.


Ship Maneuvering: The movement of both your ship and the enemy’s can affect your aim. The less either ship maneuvers, the more accurate your shots are likely to be.


Sea Conditions: Turbulent waters can disrupt your gunnery precision. Smooth seas favor accuracy.


Smoke and Visibility: Smoke from your ship can obstruct your view of your target, compromising accuracy. Also, your shooting direction relative to sunlight can affect precision due to glare.


Ship Damage: Any damage to your ship can impair your gunnery operations, decreasing accuracy.


Target Variables: The accuracy can also be influenced by multiple ships attacking the same target, the target’s evasive maneuvers, and the distance to the target.


For optimal gunnery outcomes, maintain a straight course, ensure your smoke isn’t obscuring the enemy, and keep your ship’s damage to a minimum. This approach, though, can make your ship an easy target for enemy torpedoes.


The firing rate is affected by factors similar to those affecting gunnery accuracy, with the supply of ammunition and visibility conditions playing additional roles. Ships with low ammunition tend to conserve their shots, leading to a slower firing rate and more selective target choice.



Torpedo Firing Tactics

Torpedo firing is usually automated in Rule The Waves 3. However, you can also take manual control in captain’s mode.


Torpedoes pose a severe threat to your ships. Don’t hold a straight course for an extended period when within enemy torpedo range to avoid easy targeting.


Note that underwater torpedo tubes cannot be fired if your ship is moving faster than 25 knots.


This is a simplified overview of the complex gunnery and torpedo firing mechanics in Rule The Waves 3. For more detailed information, check out the ship details screen during battle.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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