Rule the Waves 3: Docks and Shipyard Capacity - Magic Game World

Rule the Waves 3: Docks and Shipyard Capacity


In Rule the Waves 3, managing your nation’s docks and shipyard capacity is a critical aspect of gameplay. This guide will help you understand their roles and navigate the strategies associated with them.



Understanding Dock Size:

Your dock size is a decisive factor in the game as it determines the maximum size of the ship your nation can construct. For instance, if your dock size is 20,000 tons, any ship exceeding this tonnage is out of your reach. This limit is especially relevant when it comes to building larger ships like battleships or aircraft carriers. Additionally, dock size plays into the total capacity of your shipbuilding industry.



Increasing Dock Size:

Increasing dock size isn’t instantaneous; it can take up to a year, with an increase varying from 1,000 to 2,000 tons depending on the game’s time period. You must strategically plan these expansions to avoid unnecessary project delays. In certain cases, dock size may increase independently due to advancements in private shipbuilding.



Comprehending Shipyard Capacity:

Your shipyard capacity is determined by a particular multiplier applied to your dock size. It dictates the total tonnage of ships that your nation can have under construction at the same time. Exceeding this limit means you cannot start new shipbuilding projects.


Note that rebuilding ships doesn’t count towards this capacity. Also, smaller vessels such as AMCs and small corvettes, do not add to this limit. But submarines, despite their typically smaller tonnage, do count.



Constructing Ships in Foreign Yards:

When your dock size or capacity restricts domestic shipbuilding, you have the option to contract them out to foreign yards. Here, the dock size of the building nation dictates the maximum size of the ship you can contract. While this might be beneficial under certain conditions, it carries risks.


For instance, if a war breaks out, your ships that are under construction may be seized. However, having a treaty with the building nation can typically guarantee delivery, and potentially allow you to glean insights into their technology.



Planning & Strategy:

It’s paramount to carefully plan your dock expansion and shipbuilding projects. Align your ship designs with your current dock size and keep a close eye on your shipyard capacity to optimize resource utilization. When your domestic capacity is insufficient, consider foreign yards.


Gradually investing in dock expansion can increase your capacity for larger ships. Remember, your navy’s strength is dictated not just by the number of ships, but their size and capabilities. Managing your docks and shipyard capacity is therefore a strategic necessity.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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