Rule the Waves 3: Intelligence - Magic Game World

Rule the Waves 3: Intelligence


In Rule the Waves 3, intelligence represents your nation’s ability to collect information about other nations. This encompasses a wide range of aspects, including technological research, understanding the capabilities of enemy ships, deciphering war strategies, and delving into the intricate details of enemy vessels.



Setting the Intelligence Level

You have the ability to determine the level of intelligence collection for each other nation. Setting a high intelligence level could provide a variety of benefits, including a boost to your own research efforts or gaining insight into enemy ships’ capabilities.



Building an Intelligence Network

Keep in mind that an increase in intelligence spending doesn’t guarantee immediate results. It takes time to build an effective intelligence network.


It can be beneficial to start intelligence activities early, particularly with potential enemy nations. When you increase spending, you’ll notice an asterisk (*) appear in the intelligence field, indicating your network is not yet fully operational or at its peak capability.



The Risks of Intelligence Activities

While valuable, intelligence activities are not without risks. If your agents are detected, tensions may heighten with the nation you’re spying on.



Benefits in Wartime

During war, intelligence can help reduce the risk of your ships facing unexpected battles and improve the effectiveness of your ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) efforts. Spies can also gain you important knowledge such as technology insights, enemy ship details, or war plans.



Ship Details

Initially, information about other nations’ ships is limited. For vessels still under construction, only basic details such as the ship type and displacement can be viewed. For completed ships, you can see more details like ship type, displacement, number and calibre of guns or missile launchers, and speed, though these numbers can sometimes be misleading.


Effective intelligence might help you uncover additional details about enemy ships, such as specific armament, armor thickness, torpedo protection, and more.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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