Rule the Waves 3: Invasions, Amphibious Operations and Blitzkrieg - Magic Game World

Rule the Waves 3: Invasions, Amphibious Operations and Blitzkrieg


Invasion Range: Every nation in Rule of Waves 3 has an invasion range, which signifies the maximum distance they can invade from their friendly ports. This range is measured from the closest friendly port to the closest enemy port in the intended invasion target territory. If the distance to the target exceeds the nation’s invasion range, an invasion cannot be conducted.


Factors Affecting Invasion Range: The invasion range can be modified by advances in the tech area known as “Amphibious operations”. It can be increased for global naval powers and nations that have the ability to launch surprise attacks during the first year of a war. However, for nations under blockade, the invasion range is reduced.


Accessing Invasion Range Information: Your current invasion range is displayed on the lower left of the main screen. By pressing the invasion range button on the world map, you can view the invasion range circles from your bases.



Planning and Executing an Invasion

Starting an Invasion: To initiate an invasion, choose an enemy territory within your invasion range, either by clicking on its flag on the map or selecting it from the possessions list on the left. After selecting a target, move naval forces into the area.


Naval Superiority and Invasion Launch: For an invasion to happen, you must have a higher strength in the area than the enemy. However, a random roll is made each turn, potentially delaying the launch of the invasion. The higher your naval superiority, the greater the chance of an invasion occurring.


Role of Amphibious Capability: Advances in amphibious capability can influence the probability of carrying out an invasion once a target is selected.


Invasion Battles: During an invasion, a battle ensues where your role is to escort an invasion force being transported to enemy beaches. If you win the battle with more than a marginal victory, the invasion is deemed successful.




Blitzkrieg Invasions: A nation with a fascist, or to a lesser extent communist, regime can capture territories in blitzkrieg invasions. These invasions cannot occur before 1935. The likelihood of blitzkrieg invasions is highest at the start of a war and then decreases.


General Staff and Blitzkrieg Plans: As a player, you will consult with the General Staff on blitzkrieg attack plans. Remember, even nations not involved in the current war might seize the opportunity to make a blitzkrieg invasion of some territories they desire.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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